Tuesday, March 11

Campus Events

McKendree Speech and Debate Team Starts the Season Strong
Campus Events, Campus News, Local News, News

McKendree Speech and Debate Team Starts the Season Strong

The McKendree University Speech and Debate Team took home 24 awards, including 10 1st place finishes, over its two most recent tournaments at the University of Minnesota and Southwest Baptist University. “This was an impressive start to the season,” said Joe Blasdel. “While this marks a successful start to the season, the team displayed a very high level of camaraderie at both tournaments – especially important with 10 new members this year.” McKendree was one of three universities, including the University of Missouri and the host school, to attend the Minnesota Classic, hosted by the University of Minnesota on September 21-22. Representing McKendree were senior Adeja Powell; junior Haylee Christ; sophomores Mitch Deleel, Chandler Flesch, Caden Owens, and Rebecca Postula; and first-year...
Brotherhood of McKendree Discusses Professionalism
Campus Events

Brotherhood of McKendree Discusses Professionalism

By Kyle Boldin, Contributing Writer Wednesday, Sept. 26, the Brotherhood of McKendree (BMCK) dressed to the nines as they hosted their first ever business forum event in the lecture hall of PAC 222. Brought together by the BMCK president, Edward Hill II, in conjunction with McKendree Career Services, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, the forum discussed professional development topics ranging from resume and cover letter builders, how to dress for interviews, mock interview practice and professional etiquette. When asked about his inspiration for the event, Hill noted that the majority of his fellow college students often find themselves “in the hot seat, and feel nervous” when entering the professional world. The skills learned are a “business within themselves;" even...
Speech Team Showcases their expertise
Campus Events

Speech Team Showcases their expertise

By Alec Deyong, Contributing Writer Editor's note:  Most Wednesdays at noon throughout the school year, McKendree hosts a Brown Bag session in PAC 222, during which invited speakers present on a wide range of topics.  Grab your lunch and be sure to try to attend at least one this year; you're guaranteed to learn something!  Have a class or shift at work during that time?  No worries.  Alec is going to provide us with a synopsis of the presentations!  Check back next week for the next installment.   This week’s Brown Bag was more emotionally charged than most. From witch hunts to the question:  “Am I gay enough?”, there were tears, laughter, and then more tears. McKendree’s speech team was showcased in this week’s Brown Bag. The Brown Bag was MC’d by junior team member Isa Scatturo.  She ...
We are ALL IN for voting!
Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events, Local News, National News, News

We are ALL IN for voting!

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor Tuesday, September 25th, is National Voting Day. To honor this day and raise awareness about voting among students, McKendree University has been promoting voting more than ever before. Come to the Holman library on Tuesday from 1-3 p.m. to celebrate the National Voting Day and get your own pocket-copy of the Constitution! Over the past week tables were placed outside of Ames dining hall where students could register to vote. The All In committee at McKendree University who takes care of this important issue is composed of 15 students and faculty members.  They try to get as many students registered as possible and help them through what is probably their first voting experience this November. Voting seems to be more important now than ever before. After the 20...
Where Are You Giving?
Campus Events

Where Are You Giving?

By Ashley Hathaway, Contributing Writer Have you ever thought about where your clothes are made? What about where your food is coming from? For author and traveler Kelsey Timmerman, these questions began a life journey that has changed the way he sees the world. During his speech titled “You Might Just Change the World," Timmerman takes us through his experiences as a traveler, and how these travels led to three books: “Where Am I Wearing," “Where Am I Eating," and “Where Am I Giving." Kelsey Timmerman began his journey one day shortly out of college when he was wearing a shirt that read: “Come with me to my tropical paradise.” When he noticed that the shirt was made in Honduras, Timmerman not only decided that he wanted to visit Honduras, but he also wanted to go to the exact factory h...
Become a Mars Expert Through “Exploring Mars”
Campus Events

Become a Mars Expert Through “Exploring Mars”

By Ashley Hathaway, Contributing Writer For Dr. Kobie Boykins, what started out as a fascination with the night sky in his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska, has turned into an incredible journey of being on the forefront of Mars exploration. Dr. Boykins has, as a NASA engineer for the last 22 years, been on the frontline of designing and building every moving part of multiple rovers that have successfully landed on and explored Mars. On Friday, September 16th, 2018, McKendree University had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Kobie Boykins as our first speaker from National Geographic, during which he gave us a rundown of three different Mars rovers: Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity. Dr. Boykins radiated passion and enthusiasm as he began to explain the process Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity had...
Civic Engagement Week
Campus Events

Civic Engagement Week

By Sophie Jeffery, Co-Editor Next week is McKendree University's inaugural Civic Engagement Week. Organized by Paula Martin, Director of Holman Library, and Dr. Ann Collins, Associate Professor of Political Science, the week is packed with opportunities for McKendree students to learn how to be better involved in their community. "We want to try to get students to be more aware and tuned into the political scene and what's going on around them," Dr. Collins says.   It's easy to live in a metaphorical bubble as young college students, but it's more important now than ever to be involved and informed about decisions that are being made for us that directly affect our lives and the lives of those around us. Events such as the Social Justice and Equity Committee presentation titled "So You T...
Don’t be silly, protect your w****
Advice, Campus Events, Entertainment

Don’t be silly, protect your w****

Photos and Article by Magdalena Knapp, Editor There are still some topics in our 21st century society that make people feel uncomfortable, like disabilities, mental illnesses, stomach issues or the little itching “down there”.  We have to start somewhere to break the silence, and there can be no better month to do so than April, International STD awareness month. So let’s do it, let’s talk about STDs! We all know what STDs (sexual transmitted diseases) are, but not everyone knows exactly how many STDs exist, how one can get infected, and what the symptoms are. Dr. Tami Eggleston, professor of Sport Psychology at McKendree University, tries to educate students every year about STDs in a funny and refreshing way. Her “Sex Skits” are always a highlight in the spring semester. Dr. Egglesto...
Campus Events, Campus News

A Night of Networking and Celebration

By Merisa Ashbaugh, Contributing Writer Students, faculty, and alumni of McKendree University gathered in the Hett on Wednesday, April 18th to network with communication professionals and celebrate the accomplishments of those being inducted into Lambda Pi Eta. Lambda Pi Eta is the National Communication Association’s official honor society. The honor society represents what Aristotle described in Rhetoric as three ingredients of persuasion: logos (Lambda), meaning logic; pathos (Pi), relating to emotion; and ethos (Eta), defined as character credibility and ethics. Lambda Pi Eta has more than 500 active chapters at four-year colleges and universities nationwide, and the purpose of the organization is to recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication stud...
Advice, Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events

Ask, Receive, Repeat: The Art of Donations

By Nathan Ploense, Contributing Writer “Class of 2018! Are you ready to make a difference at McKendree before you graduate? Please give as a way to say thank you for your amazing four years at university,” exclaims email after email arriving in the inboxes of graduating seniors. At the tail end of the Fall semester of 2017, emails and announcements started to fill inboxes and the goal marker sign went up. With a continuous stream of emails, sometimes within an hour of one another, some students ask why these gifts are so important and why they should even consider the request. “We ask students to make gifts to McKendree through Give Big to the Pig and the Senior Class Gift programs to teach the impact and importance of philanthropy at McKendree and help build on our culture of philanth...