Sunday, April 28


Dear Bogey: Seasonal Student Worker

Dear Bogey: Seasonal Student Worker

Dear Bogey, I have been working at a country club in my home town for two years. I am a student-athlete at a university that is three hours away. With my schedule being so busy at school, I do not have time to have a job. But when I go home for the holidays, I go and work at the club to earn some extra spending money for when I go back to school. The problem I am facing is that when I am gone, new people come in and work at the club. I have this one co-worker who has been working at the club for only two months. When I come back to work, she is constantly looking over my shoulder and always claiming I am doing something wrong, even though I have been working there far longer than she has. I may not have been there for a while, but I know the ins and outs of how the process works at the...
Dear Bogey: A Semi Normal Friend

Dear Bogey: A Semi Normal Friend

Dear Bogey,   I am writing to ask for your advice regarding friendships and how to stay true to myself in those friendships. I have often struggled with making and keeping friends. I find myself in situations where my feelings, thoughts, and anxiety overwhelm me. I have troubling thoughts like, she hasn't texted me in a while, is she mad at me and I haven't seen her in two weeks, is she distancing herself because of something I might've said or did? I ask myself questions like those all the time. Labeling me a people pleaser is a massive understatement. I have a constant need to be the best friend, the best daughter, and the best sister. Whenever I feel I am failing, I flip out and distance myself from everyone. I don’t know why I am so nervous and why I feel the need to ghost the peop...
Dear Bogey: Smirky Jerky

Dear Bogey: Smirky Jerky

Dear Bogey,  I have been working at Walmart for the past three years. I have done anything and everything the boss has asked of me. My co-worker Brian has become my best friend here; we enjoy every moment together. This past month, the boss announced that there would be a management position opening up and that we could all interview for the position. Unfortunately, Brian did not make it past the first round. While I am sad for him, I am very happy that I made it. After a week of waiting for updates, my boss told me I got the job! When I told Brian, he just stood there and gave me a little smirk and said “Yay.” We haven't talked much since then. Do you have any advice on how I should approach the situation?   Sincerely,  Smirky Jerky   Coworker friendships can be hard to navig...
It’s All in Your Genes, Right?

It’s All in Your Genes, Right?

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students It’s All in Your Genes, Right? | Popular Delusions ( Have you ever heard that you can’t change who you are because of the genes that come from your parents? Well, you would be lumped into a group with the many people who also believe that myth. Because it is a common myth, a simple Google search gives you many articles that include misinformation about heritability and the impact of genes. People may misinterpret how genes influence behavior and write about them, such as this article that lists 27 things that are supposedly inherited from your parents. Simply defined, heritability is a measure of differences in traits across people due to genetics. If a trait is 100% heritable, the differences...
Dear Bogey: Muddled McKendree Bearcat

Dear Bogey: Muddled McKendree Bearcat

Dear Bogey,  I am very confused and conflicted about how my roommate and I are acting. We've been rooming together for the whole first semester, so about eight weeks, and I go through phases of how I feel about him. Depending on the day, he is my best friend or my worst enemy. I feel like sometimes our personalities just don't blend well together. He likes to be the loudest person who talks the most in conversations. I like to be a contributing member of the group, but often I get interrupted and can't even finish what I am saying/talking about. I'm torn between being quiet and just rarely talking or confronting him about it. What's the best course of action for me to take to have a great friendship and rooming situation?  Sincerely, A Muddled Mckendree Bearcat  Roommate prob...
More Like Neighboring States!

More Like Neighboring States!

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students More Like Neighboring States! | Popular Delusions ( Have you ever heard the phrase “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus?” Or do you ever just feel when communicating with someone of the opposite gender that you are two very different people from what feels like two very different planets? Like Mars and Venus? American pop psychologist John Gray popularized the idea of women and men using different types of communication. He created the Mars and Venus series of self-help books, which began with Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus that advanced the belief that men and women have entirely different styles of communicating their needs. Gray wrote, “Not only do men and women communicate differe...
Are You Prepared for the Career Fair?
Advice, Campus Events

Are You Prepared for the Career Fair?

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Cover image of Career Services from 2023’s career fair retrieved from McKendree’s online photo albums. McKendree’s annual career fair is back and larger than ever! Almost 90 employers and graduate schools will be ready to meet with students at the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts this Valentine’s Day from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.  Find more information about the career fair at Career Services' webpage. Image retrieved from Career Services. To help students make the best out of their time at the career fair, I interviewed Jennifer Pickerell, the director of Career Services. She gave me helpful advice for students considering going to the fair. In summary, her most helpful piece for students is to “prepare ahead of time.” Jennifer listed five actio...
The Rom-Coms Were Wrong!

The Rom-Coms Were Wrong!

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students The Rom-Coms Were Wrong! | Popular Delusions ( If you have ever decided to spend your Friday night indulging in a romantic comedy, then you know that they are filled with cheesy one-liners, and the main character always ends up with the person of their dreams.  The idea that opposites attract is a focal point in countless movies, TV shows, and books. The smart, shy, standoffish heroine and the outgoing, popular, pretty-in-an-obvious-way type somehow find comfort in the arms of one another (AKA the entire plot to She’s All That). This is the idea that opposites attract. Ross and Rachel, Danny and Sandy, Ron and Hermione, Cher and Josh, and countless others are the rule. The exception are those who ...
Major General John Bartrum Shares Insight with Students
Advice, Campus Events, Campus News

Major General John Bartrum Shares Insight with Students

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Title photo retrieved from McKendree online photo albums Major General John Bartrum spent last Thursday speaking to students as a part of the Hett’s annual Lanter Lecture Series. The Lanter Lecture Series gives McKendree students a chance to hear insight from influential business leaders. As the Mobilization Assistant to the Surgeon General of the Air Force and Space Force1, Major General Bartrum is certainly influential. Major General John Bartrum1 In addition to his military service, Major General Bartrum is the founder and CEO of Brightstar Innovations Group, LLC, which is a strategic advising and consulting solutions firm2. He also served as an Associate Director of the National Institute of Health as its Budget Director for its over $30 billio...
A Campus Full of Love Part 2

A Campus Full of Love Part 2

When continuing to discuss the different kinds of love, one you should not forget is familial love. With many of McKendree’s students living away from home, it is easy to forget to spend time with those who love you. As we get older, it’s more difficult to spend time with our families when our  lives get busy and we move away. However, some actions can help us stay close to our family. Calling your parents once a week or sending a funny video to your sibling are small but easy ways to keep in contact with your loved ones. As humans grow up, our ideas of family change, which is why it is important to stay close to the ones we call family. Staying connected with family members can help people feel love even when they are away. Another type of love is platonic love, which is commo...