Friday, March 28

Community Events

William and Mary Dike
Community Events

William and Mary Dike

Submitted by Scott Billhartz  It was in Professor Nell Oppitiz’s sociology class that Bill Dike ’54 met Mary Hurt ’54 on the campus of McKendree College.  Bill was a commuter student and Mary lived in Clark Hall.  After a courtship that included peanuts and Coca-Cola at the school canteen and numerous trips to the O’Fallon Dairy for ice cream, Bill and Mary were married on May 23, 1952, and their marriage was blessed with two daughters and a son.  After working odd jobs and serving churches in Beaver Creek, Hopewell, and Mt. Carmel, Bill felt a further calling to the ministry. They decided to make their first of many moves so he could attend Drew Theological School in New Jersey.  Upon completing his Master of Divinity degree, Bill became an Ordained Elder in the United...
This Is Not The End
Community Events, News, Opinion

This Is Not The End

By Emma Martin-Hilker, contributing writer Photos by ExpectUS I am going to state now that I am a white woman. I will never understand the fear of walking on the streets, or the terror that strikes the hearts of black individuals when they see flashing red and blue lights. I will not understand their feelings, nor will I be able to capture their view. Let me say -- I’m not trying to. I’m sharing what I saw, and what I believe. I refuse to remain silent -- and I’m hoping by sharing my point of view, it will encourage some of you to do the same, especially those of you who are people of color and reading this. The world needs to hear your stories because you matter. Your words and your feelings matter, and no white person (no, not even me) will be able to capture how you feel about ev...
Teddy Bear Employment at an All-Time High
Community Events

Teddy Bear Employment at an All-Time High

Meredith Geyer, Contributing Writer Featured image taken by Meredith Geyer Imagine being a kid right now. Normally we would all jump at the opportunity to relive our childhood, happily taking the naps we once fought. Not entertaining a second thought of hesitation about eating another cookie. Playing in the dirt and mud without a care because we were definitely not the ones taking the effort to remove the stains from our clothes before they even hit the washing machine. However, I will repeat the initial thought of this article: Imagine being a kid right now. As adults during this current pandemic, we are faced with questions that have taken priority in our minds: When will I be able to return to work? How will I make my next payment? How long will it take to recover from this pandemic t...
What happened to Recycling on Campus?
Community Events

What happened to Recycling on Campus?

Annika Beal and Hayley Luster, Contributing Writers As many may have noticed, recycling on campus has been discontinued. Many different theories and questions have come up regarding the reasons for the termination. Where has it gone? Does McKendree actually care about the environment? Well, we are here to set the record straight. McKendree is in the process of developing new ways to cut back on our waste, and to utilize reducing and not just recycling. Recently, recycling on campus has ceased due to the amount of money the previously contracted company was charging McKendree. The previously contracted company, Always Green, was a single-stream recycling company that covered the entire McKendree campus. Single-stream recycling is a system in which all recyclables, including paper, plastics...
We are ALL IN for voting!
Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events, Local News, National News, News

We are ALL IN for voting!

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor Tuesday, September 25th, is National Voting Day. To honor this day and raise awareness about voting among students, McKendree University has been promoting voting more than ever before. Come to the Holman library on Tuesday from 1-3 p.m. to celebrate the National Voting Day and get your own pocket-copy of the Constitution! Over the past week tables were placed outside of Ames dining hall where students could register to vote. The All In committee at McKendree University who takes care of this important issue is composed of 15 students and faculty members.  They try to get as many students registered as possible and help them through what is probably their first voting experience this November. Voting seems to be more important now than ever before. After the 20...
Advice, Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events

Ask, Receive, Repeat: The Art of Donations

By Nathan Ploense, Contributing Writer “Class of 2018! Are you ready to make a difference at McKendree before you graduate? Please give as a way to say thank you for your amazing four years at university,” exclaims email after email arriving in the inboxes of graduating seniors. At the tail end of the Fall semester of 2017, emails and announcements started to fill inboxes and the goal marker sign went up. With a continuous stream of emails, sometimes within an hour of one another, some students ask why these gifts are so important and why they should even consider the request. “We ask students to make gifts to McKendree through Give Big to the Pig and the Senior Class Gift programs to teach the impact and importance of philanthropy at McKendree and help build on our culture of philanth...
Global Awareness Week
Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events, Local News, News

Global Awareness Week

By Sophie Jeffery, Editor Next week is McKendree’s annual Global Awareness Week and the Center for Faith and Spirituality along with the Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service have organized a full week of activities and opportunities for students and faculty to engage with and learn about other cultures and communities.  Colleen Smyth, program coordinator for the Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service, says, “This year, our keynote panel focuses on the empowerment of women and will feature three of our own community members.” Also new this year is McKendree’s own ‘Humans of’ project!  Appropriately titled ‘Humans of McKendree’, Smyth says the project will “feature pictures and stories of students in our community” and “will be launched both on campus and online.”   The schedule...
Geeky Women Stand Up
Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events

Geeky Women Stand Up

By Elexis Baltimore, Editor In the world of Geekdom women have faced animosity and distrust for years, becoming the butt of jokes, experiencing harassment, and being asked various demeaning questions like ‘Do you actually know how to game?’ After finally getting tired of constantly being questioned and rejected from geeky spaces, women across the world have decided to take a stand and band together to create safe spaces in which they can explore their interests without worry.   So what is this amazing, geeky safe space? Geek Girl Brunch (GGB)!   According to an interview with writer/editor Kendall Ashley, in 2012 Geek Girl Brunch co-founder Jamila had lunch with a fellow geeky woman and blogger and deemed it Geek Girl Brunch. Over the next few brunches the women continued to...
Is Anyone Listening? : The Strong Demand for a Black Sorority and Fraternity at McKendree
Campus News, Community Events

Is Anyone Listening? : The Strong Demand for a Black Sorority and Fraternity at McKendree

By Essence White McKendree is a very proud university, full of proud students, faculty, and sports teams. The students happily sport clothing or accessories that display the teams and organizations that they are part of on campus. Although this university is filled with lots of pride, what does one do when the university does not offer anything to represent what you are truly proud of? African-American students do not have a strong presence at McKendree. According to the McKendree Fact Book for 2016-2017, African-American students make up only 13.11%, which is 385 students, of the total 2,937 students at McKendree. Because there is not a strong presence of African-American students and culture on campus, many of them feel alone. To combat this, African-American students here at McKendree...
Bretzel, Bratwurst, and Co.
Campus News, Community Events, Personality

Bretzel, Bratwurst, and Co.

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor Dressed in Lederhosen and Dirndl, on Saturday, September 17, people from the area of O’Fallon could come together and celebrate the so-called “Oktoberfest”. Young people, older people, men, women – everyone came to celebrate between brats, beer, and many fun games. This particular Oktoberfest was held between the O’Fallon city hall and St. Clare of Assisi church. The church was founded 150 years ago and her impact on the society in O’Fallon has grown since then. After the first Mass in 1867 where 40 Catholics attended, the historic red brick structure got rebuilt in 1895 to offer more space to the flourishing community. The first preacher Fr. Theodore Kamann also established St. Clare School and worked as their first teacher. After a donation of 20 acres of lan...