Friday, March 28

Following the Faculty

Following the Faculty: Busting Psychological Myths
Following the Faculty

Following the Faculty: Busting Psychological Myths Students in Dr. Boysen’s Honors Introduction to Psychology course are writing blogs this semester busting psychological myths. Two myths have been busted so far, nine more myths will be busted during the second half of the fall semester. Check out these mythbusters:
Following the Faculty: Dr. Shelly Lemons’ Research Reminds Us the Journey is Just as Sweet as the Destination
Following the Faculty

Following the Faculty: Dr. Shelly Lemons’ Research Reminds Us the Journey is Just as Sweet as the Destination Dr. Lemon's has a new article coming out in the next issue of Kansas History, but the story behind the article reminds us that sometimes the journey is just as sweet as the destination! Please take some time to read Dr. Lemon's story: This piece actually has a pretty interesting "McKendree story" behind it. While the initial research was a grad school "rabbit hole," I picked it up again in Fall 2019. I was teaching HIS 110: Historical Methods, and I made a deal with my students that I would work on a professional research project while they did their research projects. (the whole point? The historical research process is the same--no matter where you are in your career. Intro students and professional historians all follow ...
Following the Faculty: Dr. Guy Boysen
Following the Faculty

Following the Faculty: Dr. Guy Boysen Dr. Guy Boysen is an author on three chapters in a new book from the American Psychological Association that came out in August outlining professional suggestions for how to teach an Introductory Psychology course. Dr. Boysen authored a chapter that discussed teaching the course in a setting like McKendree (which is also named in the title of the chapter). Additionally, his work on the chapter stemmed from his previous involvement on a national working group that met in Washington DC to set a national agenda for the course.