Wednesday, March 26

Letter from the Editor

Leditor from the Editor
Letter from the Editor

Leditor from the Editor

Welcome to another exciting edition and a new semester of the McKendree Review! We are happy about being back in the swing of things. We would like to thank all of our readers for keeping up with the McKendree Review as we have moved online. All of our stories and announcements are posted to our webpage and linked on Facebook. Be on the lookout for some interesting stories about campus life and other events geared for McKendree students. Also, we are always looking for new topics and writers. Feel free to email us if anything comes to mind. Also, if you are interested in helping us in any way, please contact a member of our staff! We want to make sure students and staff members feel like this is an appropriate reflection of what is happening on campus, so again, don’t be shy to give feed...
Letter from the Editor

Leditor from the Editor

Welcome to another exciting edition of the McKendree Review! We are very excited about this issue! We would like to thank all of our readers for keeping up with the McKendree Review as we have moved online. As a special treat, we have an exciting announcement. Our next issue will be a printed edition! It will contain articles from past issues along with a few new articles. It will be a semester in review! Since we will have a printed issue around the time of school breaks, we will not post an online issue until we return after the new year. We will still post stories that require special attention when need be. Look for the printed edition on newsstands in December! (more…)
Letter from the Editor, Review Crew

[2015-2016] Vol. 94, Iss.3 The Review Crew

Vol. 94, Iss. 3 Editors Lauren Reeves Editor-in-Chief Anna Belmonte Assistant Editor  Editing Team Lauren Reeves Anna Belmonte In This Issue Sarah Goetze Teagan Schwab Grace McDowell Marquis Cherry Allison Donofrio Alexandria Deiters Lauren Reeves Anna Belmonte The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Review Office can be found in Eisenmayer 208 on the McKendree Campus, at 701 College Rd., Lebanon, IL, 62254. Staff can be reached by email at
Letter from the Editor

Leditor from the Editor

Welcome to another issue of the McKendree Review! As you know, we strive to be a voice for the students on McKendree's campus. With that being said, I would like to remind all readers that our writers, photographers and interviewees really want to capture McKendree as they see it. In each issue we want to cover everything that is happening on campus at the moment, in the near future or recent past. If you think we have missed anything, please let us know! We always want feedback, so feel free to comment on any of the stories or email us directly. Again, feel free to send all story ideas our way! We want to make this site a safe place for free expressions of thought and discussion. Also, we are always looking for new topics. Feel free to email us if anything comes to mind. We want to make...
Letter from the Editor

Leditor from the Editor

Welcome to another exciting edition of the McKendree Review! We are very excited about this issue! As we continue to grow, we want the majority of our articles to be student news oriented rather than what is happening around town. For this reason, a majority of the stories we cover will come from our students, but will cover off campus events if our students are involved. We are their voice, and we do our best to make sure that we are accurately presenting their views. We understand that we must remain unbiased, but our student's voices come first. We will not sugar coat hard topics. That being said we would like everyone we interview to be completely honest with our staff member to ensure we are accurately portraying the information presented to us. Also, we are always looking for new t...
Letter from the Editor

[Issue 9] “Ledditors” from the Editors

It really was an honor to collect, read and edit all of these article for this 2nd Issue of the Spring 2015 semester. All the articles were well written and told wonderful stories. In this issue you will see a feature on Belinda McAllister, an alumni whose family ancestry dates back 100 years in Lebanon, Il.  as well as a movie review for the recent Blockbuster, American Sniper, and many more. As usual you can send your articles and questions to us at You can also find us on social media: On Twitter @mckreview, and on Facebook at We thank you for your continued support! Happy reading! Emily Lucia Editor-In-Chief
Letter from the Editor

“Leditors”- Letter from the Editors

Reporting the news is difficult. Here at The McKendree Review, we believe that no matter what kind of news it is, there is a story that needs to be told. Our goal this semester is to deliver news for McKendree by McKendree. Meaning, we want to tell your stories! In this age of technology, it is hard to understand what the difference between “the news” and our news-feeds. There also many benefits; the news is literally at our fingers with the various news apps and search bars at the ready on our mobile devices. As a student run paper, it is our job to deliver campus and related news to you, just as effectively as news organizations do through apps and social media. With this “Throw-Back-Thursday” Issue, we hope to provide examples of the kinds of stories that were in the news for McKendre...
Letter from the Editor

[Iss. 7] || Leditors | A Letter from the Editors

Hello everyone, We would like to apologize for the delay. The Review staff had every intention to publish the online edition of Iss. 7, but there was a recent death in one of our member's family so we wanted to give her some time to cope and focus on her studies instead of worrying about the last online issue for the semester. In this issue, everything that was printed in the seventh issue will be included in this online version as well as some new material! We have an article on renowned graphic novelist, Marjane Satrapi; a phenomenal interview about colorblind love, a detailed scoop regarding McKendree's future and more! Enjoy the last online issue of the semester and have a great holiday! ~ The Editors A Personal Letter from our Editor-in-Chief:  Dear McKendree University students...
Letter from the Editor

[Iss. 6] || Leditors | A Letter from the Editors

Hello everyone, In this issue, you will be reading about an interview with Dr. Dennis in regards to the recent hate crime on campus. You will also get a chance to read the inside scoop on McK Radio's B-Dub and Laurie Lou and their show, "Back to the 80s." Find out more on National Diabetes Month, and read a film review on Annabelle. There is a variety of creativity in this issue including two poems and a comic.  The next deadline is this Monday, Nov. 21, and the articles submitted by that deadline will be printed in the paper edition. (Because we want the bulk of the printed edition to have as many articles as possible, we decided to publish this issue online with fewer articles and then publish the rest of our submissions in the printed edition which will be distributed on Dec. 2, 2014...
Letter from the Editor

[Iss. 5] || Leditors | A Letter from the Editors

Hello everyone, In this issue, you will be reading about Edwin Edgar Voigt from the Archives, the problem with event parking at McKendree University, McKendree haunted stories and more! The next deadline is this Monday, Nov. 3, and the articles submitted by that deadline will be printed in the paper edition. So please, send your submissions to as soon as possible to make the deadline. We are in need of new staff members for the Review. Two of us will be leaving and will not be able to work for the Review. That being said, there are two spots open for the spring semester. In order to apply for this paid position, you must have been involved with the Review for at least one semester. Look for an email from Gabriel Shapiro ( regarding furthe...