Sunday, March 30

Local News

Campus News, Local News, News

[Issue 9] McKendree Takes 5th Place at Webster University

BY JOE BLASDEL, SPEECH AND DEBATE COACH McKendree University finished in 5th place in overall program sweepstakes at Webster University’s Gorlok Gala and took home 21 individual awards. Fifty colleges and universities, including Boise State University, Washington University, and Ohio State University, attended the tournament on January 23-25. Representing McKendree were seniors Rebecca Blake, Josh Fleming, and Spencer Marcum; juniors Lauren Apetz and Quinn McRoberts; sophomore Katie Reining; and first-years Alex Baldwin, Austin Brown, Emeri Farnam, Beth Graham, Brett Hanna, David Junge, Adam Kaul, Jode Luster, Briar North, Ariel Rodriguez, Gage Simmons, and Hannah Zickefoose. “The team really came through this weekend,” said Stephen Hagan.  “In particular, our first-year students had exc...
Campus News, Local News, National News, News

[Iss. 7] || Title IX Changes at Mizzou & How it Affects McKendree University

BY NATALIE VAN BOOVEN Staff Writer The University of Missouri Board of Curators has authorized changes to the UM system’s Title IX procedures. On Oct. 2, UM curators met in Kansas City, Mo. and approved changes presented by Pres. Tim Wolfe. The most prominent of these changes is an investigation period of 60 days; others include changes as to how students and student organizations can file complaints. Initially, the executive order sent in April. by Wolfe on this issue compelled all UM employees to report Title IX violations—the actual term is mandated reporter—but exemptions were soon made for employees with legal requirements or privileges of confidentiality, such as counselors and lawyers. Title IX refers to the 1972 law forbidding sex-based discrimination in “any education program o...
Campus News, Local News, News

[Iss. 6] || McKendree University Responds to Hate Crime on Campus

BY CHELSEY WHEELER Contributing Writer Last month, the community of McKendree University was shocked by the e-mail announcement informing the campus that one of our fellow students had recently been the victim of hate crimes - criminal acts which are motivated by biases against someone’s gender, race, ethnicity, appearance, religion, sexual orientation or perceived membership in other stigmatized social groups. The female student involved was targeted twice in sexually explicit and racially prejudiced incidents that are believed to have been motivated by her involvement in Confront the Roots, a new student organization at McKendree dedicated to encourage open communication about black/white racial issues. Public safety was notified that she was verbally assaulted on campus and shortly ther...
Campus News, Entertainment, Local News

[Iss. 6] || Back to the 80s

BY BRITANI BEASLEY Staff Writer" Interviewee: Brent and Lauren Reeves (B-Dub and Laurie Lou) Father/daughter duo, B-Dub and Laurie Lou, known regularly as Brent and Lauren Reeves, have started their own piece of history at McKendree University. Not only are they the only father daughter duo on the McKendree radio station, but they are the only father and daughter 80’s internet radio show in the country! Their journey is only beginning, and we are here to give you the 411 on this groovy pair!  Why an 80’s show?  “I obviously lived through the 80’s and spent half of the 80’s in Europe (specifically the UK) and this was the time of the ‘Second British Music Invasion.’  The first was when the Beatles and other UK performers’ music came to the U.S.  So, I was ‘lucky’ to be able to experien...