Thursday, March 27


Campus Events, Campus News

[Iss. 6] || Rhonda Tibbs & Her Cloud

BY COURTNEY WINKLER, M.A.T. Adjunct Instructor On Veterans Day, local author Rhonda Tibbs spoke at McKendree University about her novel Song of the Snowman.  As a young girl, Tibbs was fascinated with the clouds in the sky and asked her father for one of her own. He not only gifted her with a “cloud,” but, more importantly, he sparked her imagination. Giving her a mason jar, he told his daughter inside the jar, was her cloud. Tibbs explained she would occasionally see rain falling from the clouds onto green pastures or dusty fields in need of quenching. Other days, she would see a village full of people beneath this cloud. The possibilities inside this jar were limitless. Thus, the creative mind of a writer was conceived resulting in an author who is working on her sixth novel.  As a devo...
Campus Events, Campus News

[Iss. 6] || Kicking Off Hunger & Homelessness Week

PROVIDED BY LYN HUXFORD CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE (CPS)   From Nov. 13-22, CCS will be sponsoring Hunger and Homelessness Week. Don’t miss out on the events below!! Nov. 13-19 get a group to participate in the Canned Good Sculpture contest to win a copy of Orange is the New Black (up to 10 copies, announced at Empty Bowls) Contact for more information. Monday, Nov. 17 participate in Change for Change around campus from 9-10:30 PM.  Sign up in the CCS Office or e-mail us! Tuesday, Nov. 18 join us for The Sleep Out in the quad from 6 PM-7 AM, view and discuss The Pursuit of Happyness in the Lair, and do a variety of other activities to learn about homelessness and opportunity. Wednesday, Nov. 19 at noon, join us in PAC 222 for Empty Bowls Brown Bag,...
Campus News

[Iss. 5] || From the Archives… President Edwin E. Voigt

BY KATIE HERATH Staff Writer Everywhere you look, McKendree continues to grow. For example, attendance for undergraduates has reached an all-time high; we also have a new entrance, an athletic building as well as the expansion of campus housing. Edwin E. Voigt Science Hall, which opened in 1965, is one of the most anticipated renovations on campus, and the building was named after the president of McKendree at the time. Edwin Voigt’s connection to the college spans a few years before his presidency; since 2014 marks 50 years since his first year serving, now is the perfect time to honor his historical legacy. Edwin Edgar Voigt served as a pilot in World War I; later in 1924, he was ordained as an elder in the Methodist church. His impact on the denomination was significant because he he...
Campus News

[Iss. 5] || To Yak or not to Yak?

BY JENNA MORRIS Contributing Writer College students spend a large part of their days on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and Pinterest.  Developers have created Yik Yak, a new social network that is becoming widely popular within college campuses, nationwide.  Yik Yak acts as a local bulletin feed that shows posts based on your location being tracked from your phone.  Because users are anonymous, they can post statuses without fear of judgment or consequences. “Similar to how Facebook uses a “like” button, Yik Yak uses up-votes and down-votes for users to agree or disagree with original posts. Users are able to comment or reply to an original post as well.” Not only can users see what is going on at their schools, but they can also “peek” at other universities’ ‘yak...
Campus News, Entertainment, Opinion

[Iss. 5] || There May Be a Few Uninvited Visitors Within McKendree’s Walls

BY LAUREN APETZ Staff Writer Have you ever heard unexplained noises while you sleep? Do you feel as though you are being watched? If you have ever had any of these experiences at McKendree University, you may have witnessed one of the many spirits already residing on campus. In case you didn’t know, McKendree is ranked in the top ten haunted universities of Illinois. Sophomore Taylor Rossi had a run in with a spirit last year in Residence Hall East. “I was in my dorm, the new dorms I might add, and I swear, I heard a child laughing in my ear.”Rossi’s experience is not the only instance of hearing a child’s voice or feeling one’s presence in the new halls. Some students believe this spirit belongs to a little girl. Past Residence Director of Residence Halls East, Jen Stueck, shares her e...
Campus News, Entertainment

[Iss. 5] || Campus Oddities

COMPILED BY THE MCKENDREE REVIEW The following images were sent by fellow faculty, staff members and students of McKendree University. We did not receive many photos; therefore, there were not enough pictures to create a video. Please enjoy what we have in stock.
Campus Events, Campus News

McKendree’s Center for Community Service Invites Students to Participate in Activities

BY JESSICA TROUT Program Coordinator for the Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service Contributing Writer McKendree University’s Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service (CCS) is off to a running start.  Weekly programs are up and going five days a week with eight different programs serving the community.  CCS started the year with Into the Streets where about 500 people from McKendree’s community made their mark on 26 agencies. The CCS group completed their retreat at DuBois Center doing team courses and group activities. The athletic department seized an opportunity to work with Adaptive Sports Soccer Camp in Granite City, and the Art Club coordinated a Bowl-A-Thon in the Quad to benefit Empty Bowls, coming during Hunger and Homelessness Week. To get involved with CCS, please come b...
Advice, Campus News

This Major is not for Me!

BY MINDY ALLEN Assistant Editor Do you remember the anxiety you felt before graduating high school when you were concerned with your future? It is possible you were still in the process of finding the perfect college, or maybe you were not sure what you wanted to do after college. Now, while you are attending classes at McKendree University, you may still be undecided about your major or may have last minute fears about your current major, but you are not alone. Many students change their majors during their college careers – and some even multiple times before graduating. Whether you are a freshman or a junior planning to graduate in the next year, you may decide your major needs some tweaking or that you want to add an additional minor. Donna Bick, a nontraditional student whose origina...
Campus Events, Campus News

McKendree Gallery of the Art Promotes New Show: Submerge and Surface

BY BENJAMIN RICHTER Contributing Writer The McKendree University Gallery of Art will be hosting its next show “Submerge and Surface: Paintings by Crystal Vicars-Pugh” from Oct. 9 to Oct. 25.  The gallery will host a reception with the artist at the gallery on Friday, Oct. 24, from 4 to 7 PM.  All receptions are free and open to the public. The gallery is located on the brick road in Lebanon, Ill. at 224 W. St. Louis Street. The gallery’s hours are 1-4 PM, Thursday through Saturday.  Amy MacLennan, one of McKendree University’s art professors, commented on Crystal Vicars-Pugh’s work which will be presented at the event: “In her series of paintings entitled "Submerge and Surface," Vicar-Pugh creates a metaphor for water in paint. Colors and textures ripple, concealing and revealing parts of...