Monday, February 24


A Woman of Power

A Woman of Power

by Annika Beal, Contributing Writer Nickie Sanlin is the head volleyball coach here at McKendree University and she has been there for eight years. Let me tell you, she is unlike any other typical coach. She has pieces of advice and other keys to success that are original and raw from her own experiences throughout her life. Her past consists of a childhood in Fairview Heights, IL and a high school experience from Belleville East. After that, Nickie went onto Marshall University in West Virginia to play D1 volleyball. At Marshall she loved the school and team she was with during those four years. The team had a very successful run and it showed her what it takes to be a winner and the dedication to become a champion. After college, she moved home in 2010 and coached a club team and high sc...
We’re Engaged! (Civically)

We’re Engaged! (Civically)

Katherine Gemmingen, Head Copyeditor Featured image provided by the Brown School of Washington University All other images provided by Katherine Gemmingen Last Thursday, September 12, McKendree was represented by three students and one professor at Washington University in St. Louis. Katherine Gemmingen, Chandler Henson, Caden Owens, and Dr. Ann Collins all went to the 2019 Campus & Community Voter Engagement Summit to focus on the theme of this year’s summit, which was “Pathways to Participation: Creating Environments to Empower Student Voters.” The event was hosted by the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement and the Center for Social Development in the Brown School, both of which are part of Washington University, as well as the Campus Election Engagement Project. ...
Adding Blue to the Purple

Adding Blue to the Purple

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor Photos by Ifeolu Adeoye We all know that McKendree’s color is purple, but last weekend our beautiful campus was bathed in blue. On Saturday, September 7th, McKendree University had the honor of hosting an important event at the Hett. The Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. had their first conference on our campus. Many of you probably saw the big buses in the parking lot and the wave of people who came to Ames for brunch. This fraternity is one of the oldest African-American fraternities in America and was founded in 1914. It is the first African-American fraternity to charter a chapter at McKendree University. Today, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. has chapter members all over the world from all ethnicities.     Three African-American male students at ...
Are College Students Stretching Themselves Too Thin?

Are College Students Stretching Themselves Too Thin?

By Ashley Hathaway, Contributing Writer Many of us grew up with the idea that being involved in every way possible holds the formula to success. In high school, we were consistently told that being involved in clubs and activities would boost our college applications to the top of the stack, so we became involved. I remember countless numbers of my peers rushing to join clubs such as student council, leadership programs and academic clubs in order to push themselves to the top. At McKendree, there is a similar trend. Students are highly involved in academics, athletics as well as a plethora of clubs across campus. Many students also have off campus jobs or internships that hold importance for future careers. While being involved in campus activities is beneficial in various ways, is there ...
Welcome Back Bearcats!

Welcome Back Bearcats!

By Katherine Gemmingen, Head Copyeditor Welcome Bearcats! Whether you are a returning student or are new to McKendree, welcome to the 2019-2020 school year. We are excited to see what events will take place throughout the year, and we hope that students-old and new-will share some of their experiences and thoughts by writing for the Review. If you are unsure how things work here at the Review or have never even heard of it, it's relatively simple. We post articles on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of every week. We post a variety of articles on just about anything. We are always accepting article submissions from anyone on campus and we are student-run. The editors will be at the Involvement Fair from 11-2 today to answer questions and talk to prospective writers so stop by the booth for ...
A Day in the Life of a Taylor Swift Fan

A Day in the Life of a Taylor Swift Fan

By Ashley Hathaway, Contributing Writer It is 11:58 p.m. on Thursday, April 25th. You are eagerly eyeing the countdown that is up on your laptop. For 13 days you have been trying to decode the daily Instagram posts from your favorite musician, Taylor Swift, in order to search for clues about the upcoming release of new music, and it has all come down to this. There is only one minute and 37 seconds left until the premier of a new song and music video that you have been not-so-patiently waiting for. Each second feels like a lifetime. With 57 seconds left you squirm with excitement and refresh your Twitter feed to see that others are indeed going through the same emotional roller coaster as you are. At 22 seconds, you can’t help but to stand up to try to feed your impatience with slight move...
Athletic Trainers: An Endangered Species at McKendree

Athletic Trainers: An Endangered Species at McKendree

By Andrew Gardewine, Contributing Writer With over 600 student athletes it’s hard to find someone who is not part of a sports team at McKendree. If you step into any classroom and ask if there are any athletes in the class, chances are around half of the them will raise their hand. McKendree boasts 34 different sports teams, but of course with these many teams comes pains and injuries with the athletes. That is where our athletic trainers come in. Our trainers are hard working and dedicated in what they do and each are assigned specific teams to provide therapy. Many of the trainers are given multiple teams to take care of, meaning that in many cases one trainer could potentially have to provide therapy for around  100 different athletes each day. This is due to the fact that we only have...
Call Them Ranch ‘Cause They’re Dressing: Fashion on McKendree’s Campus

Call Them Ranch ‘Cause They’re Dressing: Fashion on McKendree’s Campus

By Caylin Dean, Contributing Writer The average college student rolls out of bed approximately 15 minutes before (or sometimes after) their class starts, grabbing a can of caffeine and rushing out the door to catch the Bogey bus. Their uniform is typically a variation of a three-day-old outfit they slept in, its odor becoming a little ripe. Our lady bearcats attire typically consists of a pair of LuLuLemon leggings, a Patagonia pullover, and, depending on the weather, Uggs or Birks for their tootsies. Our male counterparts tend to have a go-to ensemble as well: sweatpants, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt or sweatshirt that dons their respective sports team. Although these are the traditional garb that we often see fellow classmates sporting on campus, there are some hidden treasures in the fas...
Weight Room or Wait Room?

Weight Room or Wait Room?

By Victoria Sananikone, Assistant Editor The following article represents the author's opinion about a specific topic. The information is backed up and was proof read by our editors. Freedom of speech is part of the First Amendment of the US Constitution and therefore has every writer the right to share his or her opinion. Feel free to email your editors about any issues with the article or leave your comment here. The following intro is simply a visual description of my experience within the weight room in the morning. Cheerleaders, this is not an attack, just my observations, so please don’t come high kick me in the face. Thank you:) So, I’m standing there, already dripping with sweat from our warmup, watching helplessly as a horde of cheerleaders claims more than half of the racks in...
ATHLETIC Excellence Celebration

ATHLETIC Excellence Celebration

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor Featured Image: 80% of students on campus have a double life: They get up before dawn, put on their athletic attire and work out before the sun is even completely out. Then they go back to their dorms, shower, grab their backpacks and head to class. After class they sometimes squeeze in another workout before devoting the rest of their day to homework and studying. Being an athlete in college is a huge commitment and requires a lot of time management skills and desire, the desire to achieve goals, become better and stronger every day, and represent McKendree at tournaments, meets and games in the best way possible. Towards the end of the school year we tend to forget what huge impact and successes our athletes on campus had throughout the year. We...