Monday, March 31

Condom Awareness Day

By: Kyle Hintz. Published: March 14, 2011

February 16 was Condom Awareness Day. In case you didn’t know there are these things called condoms, they’re pretty good at keeping bumps off your privates and babies from growing in your belly. And that’s what Condom Awareness Day is all about: making you aware that you can have sex without the side effects of babies and diseases. Pretty cool, right?

Hopefully, you know that already. What you may not know is this: you can get free condoms from Nurse Mary Francis Daylor anytime you need them. That leaves you no excuse to not use them. As Junior Brad Gebben says, “having a baby in college is not an easy thing to do.” So practice safe sex, folks.

And even if you didn’t attend Condom Awareness Day, don’t fret, because you can make every day Condom Awareness Day! If you’d like any more information, please contact Dr. Brenda Boudreau.
