Monday, March 10

Getting Into the Fall Spirit! 

By: Kristina Ferry, Writer

Photo taken from the McKendree University Facebook page

When it comes to fall spirit, many people enjoy it through activities such as getting cozy in a warm blanket and watching a scary movie. In order to help the campus delve into the fall spirit, campus activities hosted pumpkin painting which was held in front of The Lair on Monday, October 24th. This event was held in the middle of the day from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and it was a success! So many students came out for the event that one of the head directors had to go get more pumpkins.

Photo taken from the McKendree University Facebook page

The amount of creativity on the pumpkins was outrageous! Students had different ideas of what they might like to paint on their pumpkin from the McKendree logo to a zombie, Frankenstein’s monster, a bleeding pumpkin or even just a pure purple one. Everyone with different skill levels and imaginations were able to create something that helped get them into the spirit of the season.

Photo taken by Kristina Ferry

Claire Reinert, the library research assistant, attended the pumpkin painting event. She shared her experience by saying, “I love to bond with students over art projects because it’s something we can all work on together. I plan to leave it on my desk until it rots.”

Claire Reinert’s Pumpkin, photo taken by Grace Gross

While this event was fun for everyone, it was not without its struggles. Monday was extremely windy, and cups of paint would fly off the table. Luckily no paint was spilled on the brick when a cup got knocked over, but it almost happened multiple times. In addition to the extreme wind, the amount of pumpkins needed was more than what was expected.

Senior Breanna Sampo was lucky enough to have the last pumpkin! “I was so grateful to have the last pumpkin. I shared it with my friends, and we painted it collaboratively.” Grace Gross, editor in chief of The McKendree Review, was one of her friends she shared the pumpkin with. “I really enjoyed painting our pumpkin with McKendree colors!”

Photo taken by Grace Gross

Even through these struggles, there was a great atmosphere at this event since many people came with their friends. For all those who missed out on this event, this may be a sign to try out some of the other activities offered around campus in the future. Hopefully this event will be held in the following years for future students to enjoy!


  • Kristina Ferry

    Kristina Ferry, a first-year student here at McKendree. Her major is Sociology, and she hopes to spend her future in either an administrative role or social services. She spends most of her day in the 1828 café, working on homework and talking with friends. In her free time, she plays on her Nintendo Switch, reads fantasy novels, or scrolls mindlessly through social media. She joined the McKendree Review to improve her writing skills and inform others about events on campus. As she becomes more familiar with what McKendree offers, she hopes this place will become a second home.

  • Grace Gross

    Grace Gross is one of the Lead Editors for the McKendree Review. She is a third-year Communication major, pursuing a minor in Clinical and Counseling Psychology. Grace is heavily involved in extracurricular activities on and off campus. She is a Student Academic Mentor for Student Success and Residence Life. She holds the position of Public Relations Officer for the Psychology Club. In addition, she plays the clarinet in the McKendree Concert Band. Grace is also the Color Guard Captain for the Spirit of McKendree. Grace enjoys spending time with her friends and listening to music and reading in her free time. She is very excited for all of the upcoming opportunities McKendree has to offer.