By Sophie Jeffery, Editor
Next week is McKendree’s annual Global Awareness Week and the Center for Faith and Spirituality along with the Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service have organized a full week of activities and opportunities for students and faculty to engage with and learn about other cultures and communities. Colleen Smyth, program coordinator for the Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service, says, “This year, our keynote panel focuses on the empowerment of women and will feature three of our own community members.” Also new this year is McKendree’s own ‘Humans of’ project! Appropriately titled ‘Humans of McKendree’, Smyth says the project will “feature pictures and stories of students in our community” and “will be launched both on campus and online.”
The schedule of events is as follows:
12-2PM: Food trucks in Circle Drive
5-6PM: Key Note Panel: “Beyoncé and Wonder Woman”, Holman Library
12-12:30PM: Tree planting for Holocaust Remembrance Day, front lawn
12-4PM: Study Abroad Tabling in PAC Foyer
12:30-2PM: “Europeans Emigrate to Africa: A History of Mediterranean Migration” by Dr. Aurelie Capron, PAC room 222
4-5PM: Study Abroad and Scholarships Abroad presentation, PAC 222
12-1PM: Brown Bag Presents: “Vietnam: The Good, the Bad, and the Insane Traffic,” PAC 222
3:30-4:30PM: “Racial Micro Aggressions: What Are You Trying to Say?”, Holman Library
5-7PM: Jewish Seder Meal, Circuit Riders Room in Bothwell Chapel ($5, reservations required)
7:30-8:30PM: “The Book of Jonah” discussion, Hettenhausen Center for the Arts
9-10AM: Morning Yoga on the quad
12-1PM: Language Tables in Ames
12-1PM: Native Drumming, Eisenmayer Hall
7PM: “Clinica de Migrantes” film screening, PAC 222
12-1PM: “Understanding North Korea” with Dr. Brian Frederking, PAC 222
11-2PM: Sexual Assault Awareness Month, PAC lobby
2-5PM: Global Youth Service Day off campus
2-5PM: Spectrum Campus Cleanup at Bearcat Statue
All Week:
- CAB- International music on the Quad
- “1000 Cranes of Peace” and “Empowerment of Women around the World” book displays in Holman Library
- International food in Ames
- ‘Humans of McKendree’ Project
- Crosses on the Quad
Thanks for keeping this important week on our radar, Sophie. What an exciting lineup! I’m particularly intrigued by the “Humans of McKendree” project.
Looks like it’s going to be an informative and fun week! Thanks for sharing.