Friday, March 28

Health Equity: Growth and Understanding for Rural Communities for the National Rural Health Resource Center

Dr. Richelle Rennegarbe, Nursing Division Chair/DNP Program Director/Professor of Nursing developed and implemented a four-part series focusing on Health Equity: Growth and Understanding for Rural Communities for the National Rural Health Resource Center.

Professor Richelle Rennegarbie is a Professor in the McKendree University division of Nursing

The four two-hour sessions focused on the following: Session

1 – Health Equity – What Every Rural Resident Deserves Session
2 – Health Equity – Using Cultural Intelligence in Rural Settings Session
3 – Health Equity – Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Rural Settings Session
4 – Health Equity – Evidence-Based Strategies to Address Health Equity

This has an excellent opportunity to partner with a national rural health organization. Twenty-one small rural hospital improvement grant program leaders from across the nation participated in the Learning Collaborative. Leaders were from the following states: New Mexico, Montana, Indiana, Kentucky, North Dakota, Idaho, Vermont, Mississippi, Massachusetts, Alabama, New Hampshire, Missouri, Florida, Tennessee, New York, Minnesota, Georgia, and Oregon. In additions. representatives from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) attended the presentations.
