By Tiffany Davis, Contributing Writer
Did you know that intellectual wellness doesn’t always have to be about learning a new skill, reading a book, or journaling? Working on activities like puzzles, brain teasers, card games and crossword puzzles can also improve your intellectual wellness while enhancing your mood. They can even improve your social skills when you do them with friends. Game play can help to increase the capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding and other mental activities.
To close out the week on learning about intellectual wellness, we are going to focus on why it’s good to take a break and play a video game, card or board game, and even work on a puzzle from time to time. When we think of playing video games, we might think of shutting off our mind and relaxing. Maybe the thoughts trail towards socializing with friends who live far away by playing together, or maybe they lean more towards stepping away from the social scene to recharge. Have you ever thought of boosting your intellectual wellness through video game play, though?
An article in the New York Times stated that research has found that 2 weeks of playing a first-person shooter game can improve a person’s visual attention, mental reasoning and even decision-making skills. If first-person shooters aren’t your thing, puzzle-esque games like Tetris have shown to increase a person’s cognitive and memory skills with extended game play. The key is to not overdo it with the gaming.
Maybe video games aren’t your thing. That’s ok! There are plenty of intelligent games out there that will exercise your brain and help boost your intellectual wellness. Examples may be games that require strategy, puzzles, memory games, and even word games like Mad Libs. These games are either logic driven, boost your brain power, make you better at thinking quickly or any combination of these. They help to enhance visual awareness, levels of attention, control and flexibility, analytical skills and your general knowledge while also improving your memory. This is all done while having fun.
So, remember to schedule yourself some down time each day to work on your intellectual wellness with a sudoku or crossword puzzle, play some video games, or even grab a group of friends for a strategy-based game. Who knew having fun could enhance your intellectual wellness?
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