Friday, February 21

[Iss. 5] || Leditors | A Letter from the Editors

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Hello everyone,

In this issue, you will be reading about Edwin Edgar Voigt from the Archives, the problem with event parking at McKendree University, McKendree haunted stories and more! The next deadline is this Monday, Nov. 3, and the articles submitted by that deadline will be printed in the paper edition. So please, send your submissions to as soon as possible to make the deadline.

We are in need of new staff members for the Review. Two of us will be leaving and will not be able to work for the Review. That being said, there are two spots open for the spring semester. In order to apply for this paid position, you must have been involved with the Review for at least one semester. Look for an email from Gabriel Shapiro ( regarding further information.

Thank you,

The Editors

Remember, you do not have to be an English major or a journalism minor in order to write for the “Review.” You can have your degree in any major and minor you wish. 
