Saturday, March 29

Leditor from the Editor

As the Spring semester winds down we find ourselves bogged down by end of the semester tests, projects and papers. But one thing that always keeps me going is writing and reading. I have been so very blessed this semester that I have had the opportunity to write and edit and read article submissions for The McKendree Review. I was a little worried at the beginning of the semester that we would not get many articles, but as the semester drew on, I was very excited to see that students take to writing articles just as I do. Not because they have to, but because they want to. As you read this last online edition of the semester, remember that this paper would be nothing without the students who write for it. Also it would be nothing if not for you, the readers, who visit this website or pick up a print copy.

Thank you for all of your support!

Happy Reading,
Emily Lucia
