Monday, March 31

“Leditor” ~Letter from the Editors

avatar-image3Letter from the Editors


As you know, the semester is coming to an end, but the McKendree Review will have one more issue after this one. The next issue will be published the day after finals (Friday, May 9th). Also, a few days after finals are over, look for an email about the Academic Excellence Day Video Project. We have sent an email out the other day concerning the details of the project, but if you would like another copy, email, and one will be sent to you promptly.

Remember, to view the tab: McK Review Issues. Today’s date will be listed as the first sub-tab. Make sure you click “Older Posts” on the bottom left corner of the website to view other articles within the latest issue.

Don’t hesitate to email us if you have questions (


~The McKendree Review Team
