Monday, March 31

“Leditors” from the Editor


Editor in Chief

Well here it is. The first print issue for the semester. I have to be honest, I was a little worried we would not have gotten many articles. But as people sent them in, the less worried I felt. I want to thank all of the writers who appeared in this edition for submitting your stories. A school paper would be nothing without the students, so thank you. In addition, I would also like to thank McKendree’s faculty for supporting The Review. Without the support of people who constantly inspire the students on this campus, this paper would not be half of what it is. It is a truly beautiful thing to see students show so much interest in sending in articles. As a writer and someone who loves reading, it excites me to see such interest. It shows a willingness to learn and a willingness to keep up with what is going on, not only in the world, but on this happy, little campus of McKendree. Once again thank you to everyone who wrote articles for this edition.
If you have questions or comments, or would like to submit articles feel free to email us at

Happy reading!
