Friday, February 21

“Leditors”- Letter from the Editors

Reporting the news is difficult. Here at The McKendree Review, we believe that no matter what kind of news it is, there is a story that needs to be told. Our goal this semester is to deliver news for McKendree by McKendree. Meaning, we want to tell your stories!

In this age of technology, it is hard to understand what the difference between “the news” and our news-feeds. There also many benefits; the news is literally at our fingers with the various news apps and search bars at the ready on our mobile devices. As a student run paper, it is our job to deliver campus and related news to you, just as effectively as news organizations do through apps and social media.

With this “Throw-Back-Thursday” Issue, we hope to provide examples of the kinds of stories that were in the news for McKendree of days gone by as well as examples of articles we hope to see you write.

This semester, we plan to utilize our website and our social media presence a bit more than we have in the past. Lauren Apetz will be working as our video and web editor to post visual stories for your viewing pleasure. You will also be able to see links to various articles from recent editions through our Facebook and Twitter pages.

We have a new staff this semester to help the campus paper reach its full potential. I already mentioned Lauren, joining her will be Donna Bick and Taquisha Drisdell, who will be assistant editors.

As usual, you can find our online editions and more at On social media, @mckreview for Twitter and The McKendree Review on Facebook.

If you would like to submit an article for future issues or would like to contact us, email us at

Thank you for reading and have a great 2015!

-Emily Lucia (Editor-In-Chief)


1 Comment

  • Good luck with The Review this semester! The spring semester at McKendree is always a busy and fun time. I look forward to reading all about it in The Review and on the social media sites.

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