Monday, March 31


By Chris Moore, Staff Writer. Published April 1, 2011

They lurk in the library, clutching ponderous tomes of Dickens and Emerson to their chests as they discuss the finer points of grammar. They swarm into classes about literature of ages long gone. They chat about the exact meaning of a line by Emily Dickinson over tea. Who are they? None other than the members of McKendree’s Literary Interest Society, commonly known as LIS. While most of the members are English majors, the degree isn’t a requirement.

As Lannette Day, current secretary and next semester’s vice-president, notes, “LIS, while it’s mostly English majors, is open to everybody. Anyone is welcome to come to the meetings.”
On April 1, LIS will be hosting their annual (though there are plans to host it once a semester in the future)PAC Day from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. They’ll be selling t-shirts, apparel, books, and baked goods. Some of the shirts will be English nerd-themed, while others will feature quotes by famous authors. The latter have been sold throughout the year and with great success. When asked about how many shirts they’ve sold this term, Lannette Day said, “at least 300 pieces of apparel.”
T-shirts will be $10, long-sleeved shirts will be $15, hoodies will be $25 and sweatpants will be $15. The garments are produced by PromoSensations, a business in Edwardsville owned by Deborah Orofino.
While this is the last major fundraising effort of LIS this year, the club is not quite done with their activities yet. While it doesn’t relate to English or literature, there are plans by LIS to pick up unwanted, leftover items from the dorms and donate them to a children’s shelter. As well, McKendree students and visitors might see a LIS booth at the upcoming Spring Fling.
“We’re going to try to think of some literary game kids will enjoy,” says Day.
So if you buy apparel at the LIS PAC Day, where else will the money go? LIS funds the Montage, McKendree’s literary magazine, and has plans to assist with or even start a literacy program.
So if you find yourself in PAC on April Fool’s Day, check out the LIS table. It’s no joke, you might discover a shirt featuring your favorite author.
