Monday, March 31

Speech Team Showcases their expertise

By Alec Deyong, Contributing Writer

Editor’s note:  Most Wednesdays at noon throughout the school year, McKendree hosts a Brown Bag session in PAC 222, during which invited speakers present on a wide range of topics.  Grab your lunch and be sure to try to attend at least one this year; you’re guaranteed to learn something!  Have a class or shift at work during that time?  No worries.  Alec is going to provide us with a synopsis of the presentations!  Check back next week for the next installment.  

This week’s Brown Bag was more emotionally charged than most. From witch hunts to the question:  “Am I gay enough?”, there were tears, laughter, and then more tears.

McKendree’s speech team was showcased in this week’s Brown Bag. The Brown Bag was MC’d by junior team member Isa Scatturo.  She introduced us to members of the team and then the attending audience was treated to a sample of their fall lineup.

First, junior Kate Maag performed her Program Oral Interpretation. It was a raw and emotional performance that addressed stigmas and the emotional hardship surrounding miscarriage. She noted that most of us probably know someone who has had a miscarriage and that even those who haven’t or do not even wish to have kids should be supportive of someone going through such a tragedy.

After Kate, senior Aliyah Smith’s Dramatic Interpretation was an interesting twist on the classic tale of Hansel and Gretel. Aliyah’s “witch,” under allegations of witchcraft, had to live up to this expectation to avoid being persecuted. Even though she has always helped the village, she admits that “if they want a witch, I must give them one.” Aliyah elaborated that accusations and stories of witchcraft dating back centuries represent a gender-power imbalance that is still present today.

Next, senior and team captain Andrew Wagner had the audience in stitches with his After Dinner Speaking. Andrew begged the question “Am I gay enough?” This spawned a hilarious examination of the “gay mythology” and gay humor.

For the final solo showcase, senior Rachel Hooven performed her Dramatic Interpretation. The performance looked at stereotypes surrounding poverty. To do this, she took the heartbreaking point of view of a suburban mother with a son in a time of riots and looting.

The final showcase was an engaging and emotional Duo Interpretation performed by Aliyah and Andrew. In it, Andrew performed as an elderly, out of touch hospice patient, and Aliyah portrayed his daughter and caretaker. The pair highlighted the reality that women are far more likely to care for elderly family members and spend much more time caring for them than men do. These women are subsequently more likely to report stress and heart-related problems, especially when those being cared for are former abusers.

If you would like to see our Speech team in action, they have a tournament this weekend at Southwest Baptist University. If you don’t want to make the trek to go out and see them, they have a tournament here at McKendree on the weekend of November 9th.  See their full schedule below, and be sure to try to come out and support them:




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