By Dr. Jenny Mueller’s Literary Editing class
Photo by McKendree Montage
Did you know McKendree has its own undergraduate literary magazine? Montage was started on this campus more than 25 years ago. It began on paper, featuring only creative writing, but now features student visual artwork as well and can be found on the web. Montage has been a feature of the Academic Excellence Celebration since it began and is one of its most popular presentations. You can publish your own creative work in the Montage, too, if you send it to the editors for review by March 22.
The magazine is published every spring around AEC day and editors are currently requesting submissions of student creative writing and art. This year, Montage will record student writers reading their work and post it to YouTube for AEC. The Montage website will also be completed by then, showcasing undergraduate writing and art.
So, you might ask, what exactly is a literary magazine? Literary magazines publish creative writing in many forms. They’re important because they allow a place for upcoming writers to publish work without needing any credentials or experience. Lauren Wilk, one of Montage’s editors, says, “The best thing about literary magazines is that they really welcome a spectrum of creativity.”
Many authors, such as Langston Hughes, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Ernest Hemingway, have gained early exposure from publishing in small literary magazines like McKendree’s Montage.
Dr. Jenny Mueller is the faculty advisor for Montage, which is a Registered Student Organization.
“I like to say that I’m just the ‘secretary’ for the group,” said Dr. Mueller. “The student editors are the ones who read the submissions and select all the creative work for the magazine. I’m also there to resolve any disputes, but that’s almost never happened.” One dispute Dr. Mueller remembers involved a photograph submitted that used a nude model. “It was completely tasteful; you couldn’t see anything scandalous. But two of the student editors thought it might be too shocking. The others disagreed. I ruled in favor!”
Not only does Montage feature student work, but it is also edited by students, who use a “blind” judging process to decide what goes into the magazine. From poetry to play excerpts, the Montage has showcased original work by undergrads from all fields of study. Works can come from art and writing classes, but Montage is interested in the whole campus. To submit, students need to attach two different Word documents with their original work, one with your name and one without, and send them to Dr. Mueller at jimueller@mckendree.edu by March 22.