Friday, March 7

One Laptop Per Child: Wristbands to Help Save the World

By: Kevin Schaefer. Published Online: February 11, 2011

Follow-up article to Closing the Digital Divide, published December, 2010.

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter at McKendree University will be selling wristbands next week to help raise money to donate to One Laptop Per Child (OLPC). OLPC is a non-profit organization that aims to help children in developing countries who are under privileged with technology resources. Their mission is to send a laptop to every child in order to close the digital divide.

The wristbands will cost $2.00 with all proceeds going directly towards the purchase of a laptop for a child in a third world country. SGA has already agreed to donate a laptop, which cost $199.00 each.

ACM members will be selling wristbands, and they hope to set up a table in PAC to also sell wristbands to help this cause.

For more information, contact the ACM Student Chapter president: Evan VanScoyk
