Friday, March 28

Quick Reminder: Academic Excellence Celebration Day

This Thursday (April 24, 2014) is McKendree’s first Academic Excellence Celebration Day. According to Christine Bahr, PhD., “There are 300 students who will be presenting something that day!” 
Dr. Bahr also said that McKendree University “[encourages] all students to attend at least ONE event [on Academic Excellence Celebration Day]. It would be great if they could attend more than one, but even one would be nice. They can attend a presentation in PAC (in the morning) or go to one of the poster sessions in the Library (throughout the day), watch the Honors Convocation in the Hett (1:00), or attend the dance recital at 7:30 that evening. There will be plenty of options for students to find something of interest to them. We hope that everyone will be able to participate in one or more activities that day. Classes are not going to be held on the Lebanon campus during the day or evening, so students will have plenty of time to attend AEC events instead.” 
To see the full AEC schedule, you can either click on the link <> or download the PDF to your hard-drive so you can save a copy for yourself <2014 AEC Program>. 
With a last note, Dr. Bahr added, “We are delighted that so many students and faculty will be showcasing their work during the Academic Excellence Celebration and we encourage everyone – students, faculty, staff, and others to come and see what they have accomplished!”

When the actual issue comes out on May 1st, look forward to pictures and personal accounts of students describing their AEC experience. 
