Katherine Gemmingen, Head Copyeditor
Hello all. Given the mixed responses to our recent post (“McKendree Does Not Care About You”), the Review team would like to address a few points.
- The author of the piece is not a faculty member, and we will keep the author anonymous.
- The article is inherently negative, but simply not because there is nothing good about McKendree. It’s common for us to post articles that are inherently positive without any negative points, and the opposite is fair.
- Thank you for those who have commented with their experiences.
- As there have been mixed responses, we urge those who are unhappy with the article to contact the Review team. We would be thrilled to post a rebuttal piece, provided that the statements are backed up.
- If there are any other concerns or if anyone wishes to write an article in response, please contact us at mckreview@mckendree.edu
Thank you for posting a response and protecting the student’s identity.
Wonderful…you accept both sides of a story. From a former “J” student,a refreshing change from most of our major news sources.