The Color Guard team has been working hard this year! Here are some photos from the season so far!
Breanna Sampo, color guard captain, teaches a new routineKaliyah Newby: FreshmanCharlee Taylor: SeniorGrace Gross: SophomoreBreanna Sampo: SeniorSadie Miyler: SophomoreSadie Miyler and Kaliyah Newby writing a new routine on riffleThe team before their performance at the Pink-Out football game, Saturday, October 8thTailgate performance of ‘Edge of Glory’ on Saturday, October 8th
Don’t miss their upcoming performances: Saturday, October 15th and 29th at the football tailgate and during half-time!
To keep up with the color guard, follow their Instagram: @mckcolorguard
Grace Gross is one of the Lead Editors for the McKendree Review. She is a third-year Communication major, pursuing a minor in Clinical and Counseling Psychology. Grace is heavily involved in extracurricular activities on and off campus. She is a Student Academic Mentor for Student Success and Residence Life. She holds the position of Public Relations Officer for the Psychology Club. In addition, she plays the clarinet in the McKendree Concert Band. Grace is also the Color Guard Captain for the Spirit of McKendree. Grace enjoys spending time with her friends and listening to music and reading in her free time. She is very excited for all of the upcoming opportunities McKendree has to offer.