Monday, March 31

Tag: 2015-2016: Vol. 94

Why studying abroad is like getting new eyes

Why studying abroad is like getting new eyes

BY NICOLE FUNG CALLEJA Staff Writer Studying abroad is an experience that cannot be compared to anything else. The experience of being immersed in another culture and being surrounded by different people and customs other than the ones you are used to are sure to create change in your perspective. I had the chance to chat with international and local students about their experiences while studying abroad in the hopes of motivating those who are deciding whether or not to take the plunge. (more…)
A Further Look into the Mold in Clark
Campus News

A Further Look into the Mold in Clark

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer Sally Mayhew, Vice President of Administration and Finance, provided a closer look at what conditions in Clark Hall posed a health hazard and what was done to clean the building and make it safe for faculty and staff to move back into. In old buildings, like we have at McKendree, deteriorating foundations are not uncommon. As they age, cracks form imperceptibly, which allows water to leak inside the building. Around Clark Hall, outside drainage improvements helped move water away from the building in heavy rains, but even this measure wasn’t enough to ensure water-tightness during heavy rainfall. Cracks in the foundations may have been responsible for letting in damaging amounts of water that led to the mold issues experienced in Clark. The first indicator...

Thankful Thursday vs. Black Friday

BY GRACE McDOWELL Staff Writer It is the American tradition. Stuff your face with turkey on Thursday while feeling thankful with family, and then push others out of your way on Friday to steal a deal on a 60-inch flat screen TV. According to, Black Friday, the shopper’s holiday, is the biggest shopping day of the year. In recent years, stores have opened their doors at earlier times than ever before. Last year, Macy’s and Target opened at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Some families may still be having Thanksgiving dinner at this time! This year, however, there has been a recent trend of stores refusing to open on Thanksgiving. A list of the stores announced so far can be found on Some major stores on the list include Barnes & Noble, Ikea, Staples an...

Think About Your Pink

BY GRACE McDOWELL Staff Writer One in eight women will develop breast cancer in the course of her lifetime. Using those statistics, of the roughly 1,411 female students currently enrolled at McKendree, approximately 176 will develop breast cancer sometime in their lives, roughly 12.5% of the student population. These alarming statistics reveal why breast cancer awareness is important. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and you may have noticed more of the color pink. McKendree athletic teams, NFL teams and even the White House are all sporting their pink. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month was founded in 1985 with the sole purpose of promoting mammograms for early detection of breast cancer. Women 40 years and over are encouraged to get a yearly mammogram. As college students,...

Not Anytime Soon

BY MARQUIS CHERRY Staff Writer When comparing our fitness center on campus to other institutions, like Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, the Director of Recreational Programs here at McKendree, Mr. Kim Smallheer says, “It is just ‘okay.’” About three years ago, there was a plan to completely take out the fitness center and build a brand new student recreational center with locker room space for athletic teams along with a pristine fitness center. This plan was less emphasized when Southern Illinois University Edwardsville opened up their new science building a few years back. McKendree then shifted the funds towards major renovations to the Voigt Science building. This new building would include student research space, large lecture rooms, new labs and lab prep rooms and a grand...
Community Events

Brickstreet Brew: Follow the red brick road to the newest coffee shop in town

BY SARAH GOETZE Staff Writer You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy coffee, and that is pretty much the same thing, right? If you believe so, follow the red brick road, down to the newest coffee shop the historic town of Lebanon has to offer. Located at 218 W St. Louis St., and nestled by its sister business, Brickstreet Arts, a local coffee shop named Brickstreet Brew opened its doors in August and has since been proudly serving coffee, espresso, tea, wine, beer, specialty cocktails and sweets. This quaint coffee shop offers inside seating as well as additional seating in the large, open-air courtyard in the back. Brickstreet Brew also offers Wi-Fi, making it the perfect setting to hang out and catch up on social media or cram for an upcoming test, all while sipping a delicious cup of ...

How you know you are a McKendree Student

BY TEAGAN SCHWAB                                                                                                                           Staff Writer How you know you are a McKendree student... 1.You wish someone in your class would get hurt so you classroom gets switched to PAC. We all dread the email that says our class got switched to third floor of Old Main. Don’t lie to yourself; you are secretly wishing that someone falls down the stairs or breaks their leg so you can move back to PAC. 2.Your favorite color is purple. Even if your favorite color isn’t purple, it will be. You also enjoy saying “We wear purple on Fridays.” 3.You’re not sure what weather to dress for: outside, PAC or Old Main. Dressing in layers is key. It is 98 degrees outside, 60 degrees in PAC and 85 degrees...
What’s all the Yammer about?
Campus News, News, Perspective

What’s all the Yammer about?

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer Join groups. Get connected. Build yet another Facebook-like community. It will replace email; it will make Academia easier; it will keep you informed. We have been hearing a lot about Yammer, that McKendree made the switch from email to social media and that students and faculty should use it. While there is a lot of support for the transition, there is also prevailing dissent in the campus community. Some people just don’t want something new, and they don’t like hearing that change is a must. So what is the big deal? What opinions about Yammer are circulating campus, and why do people feel the way they do? What is all the yammer about? Let’s explore the issues that sprouted Yammer and the potential it unlocks. We will also look at the good, the bad and t...
Please don’t cry about Wi-Fi
Campus News, Perspective

Please don’t cry about Wi-Fi

BY LAUREN REEVES Staff Writer This semester, students have sent numerous emails. Dialed in hyperventilated & breathless calls. And, frantically marched their way to the Information Technology (IT) department located in the lower level of the Marion K. Piper Academic Center. Why are the students doing this? The reason is that the students of McKendree University are fed up with the Wi-Fi capabilities offered. However, there is nothing to fear. Students no longer have to worry because IT is here to help. The department is aware of the issues users are facing when working with the Wi-Fi. Over the summer, IT was allowed to expand their offices in order to hire more staff members to combat all the issues that students may face. What most students don’t know is that McKendree has over 6,000 ...
A Poll on the Polls: Are students engaged and informed on the upcoming presidential election?
Local News, Perspective

A Poll on the Polls: Are students engaged and informed on the upcoming presidential election?

BY GRACE McDOWELL Staff Writer “Trumping” Politics: The Poll (given to 20 McKendree students): When is the next presidential election? Can you name any candidates running? Who is leading in the Democratic polls? Who is leading in the Republican polls? Have you watched any of the Republican debates? Do you have an interest in politics? Do you enjoy being informed on upcoming elections? Are you a registered voter? Responses: 2016 (11x), November 2016 (6x), Unsure (2x), November 2015 Trump (20x), Clinton (17x), Bush (14x), Carson (6x), Sanders (6x), Fiorina (6x), Cruz (5x), Rubio (4x), Biden (4x), Huckabee (3x), Paul (3x), Santorum (2x), Walker (1x), “failed CEO woman” (1x) Clinton (7x), Unsure (7x), Sanders (3x), Sanders or Clinton (2x), Trump Trump (15x), Unsure (4x), Clinton Yes (12...