Monday, March 31

Tag: Are Eustressed?


Are Eustressed?

BY TEAGAN SCHWAB Staff Writer As the semester wanes, students find themselves drowned by stressors like classes, relationships, finances, extra-curricular activities and graduation. According to Dr. Laura Harrawood, Associate Professor of Counseling, “Stress is your body’s response to a demand that is placed upon it.” To each student, stress shows itself in different ways. Intense emotions, headaches, muscle strains and not being yourself are just a few. Stressed students are not hard to find on this campus. Trey Schlieker, Economic Finance major says stress, however, can sometimes be beneficial. “To be honest, I think stress is what kinda keeps you motivated,” states Schlieker. “You want to be unstressed so bad, you’ll just eventually saddle up and get your stuff done.” The type of ...