Dear Bogey: Smirky Jerky
Dear Bogey,
I have been working at Walmart for the past three years. I have done anything and everything the boss has asked of me. My co-worker Brian has become my best friend here; we enjoy every moment together. This past month, the boss announced that there would be a management position opening up and that we could all interview for the position. Unfortunately, Brian did not make it past the first round. While I am sad for him, I am very happy that I made it. After a week of waiting for updates, my boss told me I got the job! When I told Brian, he just stood there and gave me a little smirk and said “Yay.” We haven't talked much since then. Do you have any advice on how I should approach the situation?
Smirky Jerky
Coworker friendships can be hard to navig...