Monday, March 31

Tag: dining

Celebrating Other Cultures Through International Meal Day
Campus Events, Campus News

Celebrating Other Cultures Through International Meal Day

By Madison Bonner, Writer Photography by Madison Bonner On Wednesday, October 25th, McKendree celebrated International Meal Day. This event was reintroduced by current SGA President Maria Salomão two years ago and has been a huge success since. On this day, students from all around the world share their culture through their countries' recipes.  This highly anticipated event was organized by Ana Cecilia Carvalho, the International Senator for McKendree’s Student Government Association. Ana sent out an email to all international students, who then filled out the survey with their dish and country. Students from Brazil stir up success with their famous Brigadeiro. This year, 13 international students participated in the event. Six dishes in total were prepared by these studen...
FreshEats: Students Helping Students Eat Fresh

FreshEats: Students Helping Students Eat Fresh

By Madison Bonner, Writer Title photo: students Mike Milesi and Tomoki Asano present their sushi to-go box for FreshEats. It all started with a Snapchat story… In August of 2023, students began seeing menus posted to the McKendree group Snapchat story. Flyers appeared around campus and at apartments. These advertisements promised several home-cooked meals such as salmon, chicken and rice, and sushi. But what were these menus for? And who started it all? The menus were posted by a food delivery service called FreshEats: a brand new, completely student-run organization. It is managed by two students at McKendree, who work together to cook, advertise, and deliver the food. The idea is to give McKendree students healthy alternatives to processed food, such as fast food or instant ...