Monday, March 31

Tag: DNA

It’s All in Your Genes, Right?

It’s All in Your Genes, Right?

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students It’s All in Your Genes, Right? | Popular Delusions ( Have you ever heard that you can’t change who you are because of the genes that come from your parents? Well, you would be lumped into a group with the many people who also believe that myth. Because it is a common myth, a simple Google search gives you many articles that include misinformation about heritability and the impact of genes. People may misinterpret how genes influence behavior and write about them, such as this article that lists 27 things that are supposedly inherited from your parents. Simply defined, heritability is a measure of differences in traits across people due to genetics. If a trait is 100% heritable, the differences...