Monday, March 31

Tag: love

A Campus Full of Love Part 2

A Campus Full of Love Part 2

When continuing to discuss the different kinds of love, one you should not forget is familial love. With many of McKendree’s students living away from home, it is easy to forget to spend time with those who love you. As we get older, it’s more difficult to spend time with our families when our  lives get busy and we move away. However, some actions can help us stay close to our family. Calling your parents once a week or sending a funny video to your sibling are small but easy ways to keep in contact with your loved ones. As humans grow up, our ideas of family change, which is why it is important to stay close to the ones we call family. Staying connected with family members can help people feel love even when they are away. Another type of love is platonic love, which is commo...
A Campus Full of Love
Advice, Campus Events

A Campus Full of Love

Photos taken by Kristina Ferry As we are in the season of love, it is important to remember all the different kinds of love we can implement into our lives. Implementing love in our lives is incredibly important to help us live the healthiest life possible. Many types of love are ignored in our society, and it is important for all types of love – not just romantic love – to get the recognition they deserve. Self-love is one kind of love that is often not given the importance it requires. One of the smallest examples of practicing self-love that happened on campus recently are the flowers the McK Green Club sold for Valentine’s Day since it was not necessary to buy one for a romantic partner. Many people, including myself, bought a flower to celebrate self-love on a day all about rom...