Monday, March 31

Tag: MAP grant

McKendree Students Attend Rally to Save Higher Ed

McKendree Students Attend Rally to Save Higher Ed

By Grant Riggs, Editor-in-Chief On Wednesday, February 8, a group of McKendree students attended a rally at the Capitol building in Springfield, Ill. in support of higher education and the MAP grant. The grant, which does not require repayment and is given to Illinois residents who attend approved Illinois colleges, has provided numerous students the opportunity to attend college. The trip included individual meetings with Illinois State Senators and Representatives, as well as the actual rally, which was held by The Illinois Coalition to Invest in Higher Education. The rally was led by Dave Tretter, president of The Federation of Independent Illinois Colleges and Universities, and included Western Illinois University President Dr. Jack Thomas as one of its speakers. Dave Tretter speaks...
Lost in transportation

Lost in transportation

BY LAUREN REEVES Staff Writer Flights out from the cornfields to the Bay. Guzzling gas tanks. Endless popping potato chip bags bursting all over the backseat. Cramming bodies into small SUVs. Frantic hotel concierges. All of these are parts of the traveling process you as students could experience when you go on a conference trip in college. McKendree University likes to make sure students are engaged in the classroom and outside. They even like to help sponsor trips to conferences to let students gain leadership skills and learn interesting things McKendree can offer. Some time or another, every student should experience what it is like to travel on behalf of McKendree, whether it’s for academics, sports or clubs. (more…)
Bearcat thoughts: MAP grant

Bearcat thoughts: MAP grant

BY TEAGAN SCHWAB Staff Writer For many of the Bearcats who reside in Illinois, receiving the MAP grant is a make or break deal for attending McKendree. Over the last few weeks, students rallied to try to get Governor Rauner to sign the bill to continue funding for the MAP grant. (more…)
Save the MAP: a call to action

Save the MAP: a call to action

As many Illinois college students know, funding for the MAP program has not been going well in Springfield. Governor Rauner and his colleagues have created a serious issue for higher education in our state. Hundreds if not thousands of MAP eligible students who depend on those funds to make their college education possible at McKendree University and other instate institutions may no longer be able to make their college dreams a reality. This is a letter to encourage students and others in our state to urge our governor to save the MAP. Below we have collected some interesting information to help everyone interact with a handful of important people who have it within their power to make a difference on this issue on our behalf. In addition, if you have friends at other universities who b...