Sunday, February 23

Tag: Netflix

The Pros and Cons of “13 Reasons Why”

The Pros and Cons of “13 Reasons Why”

By Allison Donofrio, Staff Writer Most things in life have their pros and cons, and when pop culture tries to shed light on difficult subjects, it usually comes with both good and bad reactions. While the Netflix series "13 Reasons Why" has become increasingly popular, it has brought potential problems, as well as potential for educating the public. Cons "13 Reasons Why" glamorizes suicide by showing that killing oneself and leaving tape recordings is the only way to successfully show the world a message. Viewers see main character Hannah Baker as a strong person, only to see her commit suicide on screen. Instead of discussing her problems with her parents, Hannah takes her own life. The series attempts to simplify suicide, which, in reality, is a very complex issue. Suicide is not a ...

Are we “Lost”?

BY MARQUIS CHERRY Staff Writer Being unable to find one’s way or not knowing one’s whereabouts would perfectly define this television show. Over six seasons, critics have ranked Lost consistently among the top television series of all time. During the summer, I took a chance on this show and have no regrets. Through the suspense and drama, I began to wonder if they would ever escape the island. The plotline can be misleading at times, but it provides plot twists that are unmatched by other television shows. Lost follows survivors of a commercial plane crash and how they landed on a mysterious tropical island in the Pacific Ocean. The show implements flashbacks and foreshadowing to explain more about the survivors. Throughout each season, the survivors try to find a way to get off the isla...