Monday, March 31

Tag: pike

Catfish & Pike Research
Following the Faculty

Catfish & Pike Research

Dr. Michael Louison had two papers accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Fisheries Research. Dr. Michael Louison is an Assistant Professor in the Biology Program at McKendree University The first is the major one to highlight, as (now former/graduated) McKendree Students Emma Knoebel, Riley Ross, and Nathan Brand shared first-authorship on the paper, which was done with me and Dr. Robb VanPutte co-advising. The citation is here: Brand, N.R., Knoebel, E.M., Ross, R.M., VanPutte, R.D., and M.J. Louison (2022 in press). Post-release physiological disturbance in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus caught by recreational anglers. Fisheries Research. The second recent publication was from some data I collected along with John Bieber of the University of Illino...