Monday, March 31

Tag: Poll


What multimedia do you want to see?

The Review plans to incorporate more interactive multimedia content on our site, including photo galleries, live action shots and more! Take the poll below to tell us what kinds of content you want to see. Thank you for helping make the McKendree student newspaper your newspaper!
Fall fun is finally here!

Fall fun is finally here!

The season for sweaters, bonfires and pumpkin spice lattes is finally here! If you're an autumn enthusiast, take the poll below and tell us what makes fall fun for you! Thanks for voting! Now, get out there and enjoy the beautiful weather! Photo credit: Anna Belmonte    
A Poll on the Polls: Are students engaged and informed on the upcoming presidential election?
Local News, Perspective

A Poll on the Polls: Are students engaged and informed on the upcoming presidential election?

BY GRACE McDOWELL Staff Writer “Trumping” Politics: The Poll (given to 20 McKendree students): When is the next presidential election? Can you name any candidates running? Who is leading in the Democratic polls? Who is leading in the Republican polls? Have you watched any of the Republican debates? Do you have an interest in politics? Do you enjoy being informed on upcoming elections? Are you a registered voter? Responses: 2016 (11x), November 2016 (6x), Unsure (2x), November 2015 Trump (20x), Clinton (17x), Bush (14x), Carson (6x), Sanders (6x), Fiorina (6x), Cruz (5x), Rubio (4x), Biden (4x), Huckabee (3x), Paul (3x), Santorum (2x), Walker (1x), “failed CEO woman” (1x) Clinton (7x), Unsure (7x), Sanders (3x), Sanders or Clinton (2x), Trump Trump (15x), Unsure (4x), Clinton Yes (12...