Friday, March 7

Tag: presidential election

Don’t mock the vote Nov. 8
Campus News

Don’t mock the vote Nov. 8

BY LAUREN REEVES Staff Writer On Tuesday, Nov. 1, McKendree’s Phi Kappa Phi honor society invited faculty, staff and students to make their voices heard about the upcoming election. From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Piper Academic Center (PAC) lobby everyone had the chance to cast their electronic vote in a mock presidential election. If you decided to participate by casting your vote, you received a cookie of your choosing. Also, to show off your McKendree spirit as you vote you could have snagged a picture with our beloved mascot Bogey!   Phi Kappa Phi President Dr. Rob Van Putte wanted to provide this opportunity for McKendree because he knows it’s important to vote because it’s your civic duty. “We live in a country where we decide who governs us. The only way to do this is to...
A Poll on the Polls: Are students engaged and informed on the upcoming presidential election?
Local News, Perspective

A Poll on the Polls: Are students engaged and informed on the upcoming presidential election?

BY GRACE McDOWELL Staff Writer “Trumping” Politics: The Poll (given to 20 McKendree students): When is the next presidential election? Can you name any candidates running? Who is leading in the Democratic polls? Who is leading in the Republican polls? Have you watched any of the Republican debates? Do you have an interest in politics? Do you enjoy being informed on upcoming elections? Are you a registered voter? Responses: 2016 (11x), November 2016 (6x), Unsure (2x), November 2015 Trump (20x), Clinton (17x), Bush (14x), Carson (6x), Sanders (6x), Fiorina (6x), Cruz (5x), Rubio (4x), Biden (4x), Huckabee (3x), Paul (3x), Santorum (2x), Walker (1x), “failed CEO woman” (1x) Clinton (7x), Unsure (7x), Sanders (3x), Sanders or Clinton (2x), Trump Trump (15x), Unsure (4x), Clinton Yes (12...