Monday, March 10

Tag: study spaces

Best Spots for a Midterm Study Session

Best Spots for a Midterm Study Session

By: Kristina Ferry, Writer Photos taken by Phoebe Mccutcheon Midterm season can be hard on college students, and McKendree is no different. During this time of year a lot of students take their studies seriously, either to help them not fail a class or to maintain their high grade. Especially around midterms, it is important to know what the best study spots are on campus and how well they work. The three main study spots on campus are the Hub, the library, and 1828 Café. The Hub is a relatively new place on campus, but it is a great spot to study with a group of friends. Several rooms can be reserved that have whiteboards or projection screens for students who want to study on the big screen. Unlike other locations that can get noisy or require students to stay quiet, the Hub en...