Wednesday, March 26

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone and welcome back!

We hope everyone had a great Christmas break and got to spend the time with their family, friends, and people that matter the most to them.

This being said, we are happy to be back with the McKendree Review. For this semester we have many new fun, exciting and interesting stories, features and profiles for you. Whatever your heart and eyes desire to read we have it for you. Our team of editors is ready to dig out new stories from around campus and share them with you. We hope you are as excited as we are!

If you are interested in writing stories for us, sharing some of your own stories, or simply want to know more about how our student newspaper is run, feel free to contact us!


Our editors are more than happy to answer every question.

We are looking forward to an exciting spring semester!


Best regards,

The McKReview


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