By Grace Gross, Lead Editor
Photography by Grace Gross and McKendree Online Photo Albums
This Thursday, we will celebrate McKendree students’ academic achievements. Academic Excellence Celebration (AEC) will take place all day on Thursday, April 25th. This day allows students to showcase their scholarly work and celebrate their achievements. There are no classes held on this day, so students are encouraged to support their classmates!
From 8:30 to 9:45 A.M., Holman Library will host students’ poster presentations. As described on the AEC webpage, “These presenters are proud to share their scholarly and creative work. Working individually or collaboratively, they demonstrate their ability to apply, analyze, and synthesize knowledge gained from classes, majors, or graduate programs” (McKendree AEC).

There will be almost fifty poster presentations, so make sure to check them out! If you are presenting, Holman Library has supplies you can use to create your poster.

McK Radio will do a live broadcast in the PAC lobby during and between presentations. McK Radio members will interview participants, event planners, and advisors about their experiences.

As a junior, this is my second time presenting for AEC. You can find me, Madison Rohn, Maclayne Taylor, and Mary Wagner in Piper Academic Center (PAC) 220 for our communication research presentations, Navigating Technology and Relationships. We have been working on our own research studies since the fall 2023 semester!

Isabella Barbaglia, a senior history major, is presenting Forgotten Fallout: Stories from Coldwater Creek. Isabella has been working with Dr. Lemons on an independent study and is going to discuss the radioactive pollution of Coldwater Creek. Isabella gave us insight into her presentation: “I am most excited to share what I’ve learned about Coldwater Creek from the interviews I conducted. It was so fulfilling to get a chance to talk with people and hear about their experience living near radioactive waste.”
When asked what advice she would give to first-time presenters, Isabella suggested, “Come prepared, wear a killer outfit, and be confident!” Isabella will be presenting at 10:00 A.M. in PAC 217.

There will be more twenty-minute student presentations at 10:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M., 11:00 A.M., and 11:30 A.M. The titles and descriptions can be found here: AEC Presentations
McKendree’s Chamber Choir will be performing a mini choral concert in the Hett choir room from 1:15 to 1:45 P.M.
Later in the evening, McKendree will host an instrumental concert featuring the Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Concert Band. Special guest Patrick Sheridan will be performing alongside the band during the concert. The concert will be at 7:00 P.M. in the Hett Auditorium.
The McKendree Museum will be open for a showcase from 12:00-4:00 P.M.. The museum is located in Bothwell Chapel on campus. Also, McKendree University Gallery of Art will showcase student artwork from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The Gallery of Art is located close to campus at 305 Stanton Street.

In addition, there will be many honor society inductions hosted throughout the day. A list of societies with their induction time and location can be found here: AEC Inductions
To celebrate, 1828 Cafe will host the Honor Society Reception from 3:45 to 6:00 P.M. All participants and guests are invited to attend the reception for refreshments.
Feel free to share, comment, and participate on our AEC Facebook page using #McKAEC24 and tag our Instagram page @mckaec. Photos of the events can be found at www.mckendree.edu/photos.