Sunday, March 16

Your McK Review Team

Magdalena Knapp

Hello everybody, this is me, Magdalena Knapp, but people here call me Magda. I am the editor in chief for the McKendree Review. I started off as a writer my freshman year because I really enjoy writing and the idea of writing for a school newspaper.

I have always been very passionate about writing and reading newspapers. When I was in High School I did an internship at our local news channel, and had the opportunity to write some of the news articles for them. This was when I discovered my love for newspapers and writing. I love that by being a writer for newspapers you can get in touch with people and ask all the questions you want. If you ask some questions as a “regular” person it might be frowned upon or people may think you are too nosey, BUT if you are a journalist, you have a free pass or an invisible sword that allows you to ask all the things you want, and you even receive answers to them.

Asides from connecting with people, writing for the McKendree Review is a great opportunity for me to share my voice and thoughts with the students on campus. So please go ahead check us out, leave us a comment, or contact us directly if you want to make your voice heard as well!


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Victoria Sananikone

Hey there, fellow reader! My name is Victoria Sananikone; avid swimmer, music enthusiast, lover of cats and one of your Mckendree Review editors. I began writing for the review when I was a doe-eyed freshman, eager for involvement and a platform to present my writing abilities. After meeting the notorious Gabe Shapiro and speaking to him about my endeavors, I began to submit my work to the Review, and a year later I was bestowed the title of Head Copyeditor, now Editor.

I’ve been writing since I was ten years old when I bought my first spiral bound notebook form Barnes and Noble. My first story was about of group of ninjas who had special powers. If published, it would most certainly have been a New York Times bestseller. Since then I’ve loved writing fiction and anything that I think other people would enjoy reading as much as I would.

I still don’t know exactly what I want to do with writing in the future, but I know that publishing a book will be a part of it. For now I am content with my position within the McKendree Review where I can voice my opinions, entertain students and write relatable content.

Katherine Gemmingen

Hey Bearcats, my name is Katherine Gemmingen, Head Copyeditor. Unlike Magda and Victoria, I am much better  suited for the editing side of the newspaper. I have always loved to read, but writing isn’t quite my thing. I am a political science major, so I have a few opinions about the world and I enjoy the opportunities to voice my thoughts here on the Review when I do feel like actually writing a bit more.

I started at the Review last year based on a recommendation from Dr. Jenny Mueller, who was teaching my Editing for Publication class. I met with Gabe Shapiro and joined the team. My mom is a language arts teacher, so I grew up learning about words, which led to a slight obsession with grammar.

You will see some content from me throughout this year as I share some thoughts, but I mostly stay on the editing side. I’m excited to see what the McKendree community will write about throughout this year, and I hope to have more students involved in writing. Remember, you can write about anything you want, campus-related or not, and you can honestly voice your opinions.


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