Wednesday, March 19

【McKendree Review】McKendree University || Academic Excellence Celebration Day


On April 24, 2014, McKendree University held its first (and now annual) Academic Excellence Celebration Day event in which students, faculty and staff participated in numerous events throughout the day to display and present overall academic excellence. In order to cover as many events as possible, the McKendree Review has made a video as a way to appreciate McKendree University’s hard work and academic achievement.

Before presenting the video, a few members of McKendree’s faculty and staff would like to share some words of encouragement regarding the first annual AEC event.

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And now, the McKendree Review presents the first annual Academic Excellence Celebration Day Video (all given credits will be given at the end of the video):

[【McK Review】McKendree University || AEC Day]

Please note that this video’s privacy settings are set to public. If anyone has an issue with the privacy settings, please email and the settings will be immediately changed to unlisted where only those with the link can see the video. 
Thank you to all of everyone who sent images to the McKendree Review in order to make this video happen. If you think the McKendree Review should do more video projects, please respond to the following poll: 

Thank you for watching the video, and we hope you have enjoyed it!
Have a great summer.

~The McKendree Review
