Sunday, February 23


Global Awareness Week
Campus Events, Campus News

Global Awareness Week

Don’t forget Global Awareness Week is April 4-8! Join faculty, staff and students to learn more about the diverse world we live in. The event’s schedule is packed full of interesting educational sessions, so make sure to stop by some of these events! (more…)
New organization is ready to take off
Campus News, Community Events

New organization is ready to take off

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer McKendree junior Jack MacLean is starting a new student organization, “Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations," or SCNO. MacLean wanted a student organization dedicated to building experience and résumés for students, freshman through senior. To accomplish this, SCNO will work with nonprofit organizations in the Metro East. (more…)
The latest on Speech and Debate
Campus News

The latest on Speech and Debate

BY JOE BLASDEL Adviser of the speech and debate team In the last two weekends, the McKendree University Speech and Debate team took home 18 awards, including two team sweepstakes awards at the Missouri’s state tournament. “This team has worked hard throughout the year, and our late season success is a testament to that work,” said Joe Blasdel. “This team has both the ability and discipline to put together some excellent nationals performances.” 15 colleges and universities, including Rice University, the University of Missouri and Purdue University, attended Loyola University’s National Warmup on Feb. 12-14. Representing McKendree was senior Rodney McBride and sophomores Alex Baldwin, Adam Kaul and Gage Simmons. Kaul and McBride posted a 5-3 record, finishing as double-octofinalists. Ba...
BSO brings culture to campus
Campus Events, Campus News

BSO brings culture to campus

As we all know, Black History Month is upon us so we should take a step back and reflect on how we have changed and grown as a society. To help us do this, McKendree's Black Student Organization (BSO) is going to lead activities all month. Check out the events and broaden your eyes to history. EVENTS: African-American Dance Night February 16th in the Eisenmeyer Auditorium at 6:30PM This event is lead by an West Africa dancer, he will teach the participants about the importance of African Dancing and how therapeutic it is, and also teach all participants some of his famous dance moves. Movie: Retribution February 19th in PAC 116 at 6PM Filmmaker David Kirkman from Webster University, will come to showcase his film and have an open discussion about the film and the film industry, and also...
Save the MAP: a call to action

Save the MAP: a call to action

As many Illinois college students know, funding for the MAP program has not been going well in Springfield. Governor Rauner and his colleagues have created a serious issue for higher education in our state. Hundreds if not thousands of MAP eligible students who depend on those funds to make their college education possible at McKendree University and other instate institutions may no longer be able to make their college dreams a reality. This is a letter to encourage students and others in our state to urge our governor to save the MAP. Below we have collected some interesting information to help everyone interact with a handful of important people who have it within their power to make a difference on this issue on our behalf. In addition, if you have friends at other universities who b...
Ash Wednesday: remembrance and repentance
Campus News

Ash Wednesday: remembrance and repentance

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer Last Wednesday, Feb. 10, dozens of McKendree students, faculty and staff came together to celebrate Ash Wednesday, the 40 days of preparation before Easter. Opening the season of Lent, Ash Wednesday became a symbolic day on which early Christians remembered the 40 days leading to Christ’s resurrection on Easter. Traditionally, worshipers observe Lent with fasting, study of the Scriptures, self-examination, confession and prayer, according to Reverend Tim Harrison, who lead the Ash Wednesday service at Bothwell Chapel. At the commencement of this period of remembrance, all are called to reflect on their own mortality and repent of their sins in the light of the salvation purchased by Christ. (more…)
Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2015
Campus Events, Campus News, Local News

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2015

Don’t forget Nov. 15 - 21 is Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week! The Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service is putting on many events throughout the week. Nov. 13 - 19 Canned Goods Sculpture Contest - Campus-wide Build a beautiful sculpture for a good cause. All proceeds will be donated to a local food pantry. Monday, Nov. 16 Faculty Fashion Show - At noon in Ames Dining Hall Check out your favorite faculty member modeling outfits that will be donated to a local shelter as a full set. (more…)
A Further Look into the Mold in Clark
Campus News

A Further Look into the Mold in Clark

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer Sally Mayhew, Vice President of Administration and Finance, provided a closer look at what conditions in Clark Hall posed a health hazard and what was done to clean the building and make it safe for faculty and staff to move back into. In old buildings, like we have at McKendree, deteriorating foundations are not uncommon. As they age, cracks form imperceptibly, which allows water to leak inside the building. Around Clark Hall, outside drainage improvements helped move water away from the building in heavy rains, but even this measure wasn’t enough to ensure water-tightness during heavy rainfall. Cracks in the foundations may have been responsible for letting in damaging amounts of water that led to the mold issues experienced in Clark. The first indicator...
Campus News

The Mold that Made them Move

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer Over a couple weeks ago, seven of McKendree’s faculty and staff were relocated from the main floor and basement of Clark Hall. The problem? Mold. On the walls and beneath the carpeting in Clark, colonies of fungus thrived through years of flooding and poor ventilation. The mold remained undetected for a long time, until it began to show itself in unpleasant and unsafe ways. Brent Reeves, Director of Multicultural Affairs and International Student Services, has worked out of Clark Hall for about 12 years, and he notes how frequently the basement flooded and had to have water vacuumed. “That’s been going on for years,” Reeves says. “There was always a dank, musty smell down there.” Requests to address this issue were reported to Physical Plant and sent up t...
Campus News

McKendree: Justice for all

BY LAUREN REEVES                                                                                                                             Staff Writer This 2015-2016 school year, McKendree University is taking a new approach as they dive into the mysterious waters of diversity. Our university has elected to create the Social Justice and Equity Committee (SJEC). This committee was called into action to help McKendree University take the front lines on all menacing social justice issues that try to step on McKendree’s front lawn. Appointed by President James Dennis, Director of Public Safety Ranodore Foggs was asked to form a “task force” to explore issues of social justice and equity on our campus. Some goals of the committee are to develop strategies for moving forward, support our co...