Friday, March 21

Month: April 2014


Quick Reminder: Academic Excellence Celebration Day

This Thursday (April 24, 2014) is McKendree's first Academic Excellence Celebration Day. According to Christine Bahr, PhD., "There are 300 students who will be presenting something that day!"    Dr. Bahr also said that McKendree University "[encourages] all students to attend at least ONE event [on Academic Excellence Celebration Day]. It would be great if they could attend more than one, but even one would be nice. They can attend a presentation in PAC (in the morning) or go to one of the poster sessions in the Library (throughout the day), watch the Honors Convocation in the Hett (1:00), or attend the dance recital at 7:30 that evening. There will be plenty of options for students to find something of interest to them. We hope that everyone will be able to participate in one or more acti...

Announcement from Phi Kappa Phi

I apologize for the late addition, but thank you to Marsha Goddard, M.A. for reminding me to include this event advertisement. ~Kimberly    

Rainbow Run: Announcement from the Wonder of Wellness Organization

BY ASHLEY DUFFIE Wonder of Wellness President Contributing Writer Called the Rainbow Run, April 26th 5K Fun run/walk where colored corn starch is thrown on the participants. Sponsored by Wonders of Wellness and LGBT. Registration forms are available on and on the McKendree Web-site.  A table will also be available in PAC lobby to sign up for the remainder of this week. Tomorrow, the table will be set up around 9:30 AM. Check your email for other times during the week. If you sign up at the table, you will receive a $5 discount. Volunteers are needed. For more information you can

The Review Crew

  Vol. 92, Iss. 4 Editors Kimberly Bennett Co-Editor-in-Chief Natalie VanBooven Co-Editor-in-Chief Mindy Allen Assistant Editor Emily Lucia Assistant Editor / Web Designer Editing Team Mindy Allen Kimberly Bennett Natalie Van Booven Emily Lucia In This Issue Mindy Allen Sharon Beard Britani Beasley Kimberly Bennett Joseph Blasdel, PhD Rick Bonsall, PhD Gretchen Buehrle Katie Davenport Malika Knox Emily Lucia Andrew Olden Kevin Schaefer Christopher Streetman Natalie Van Booven Courtney Winkler, M.A.T. The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opi...

“Leditor” ~ Letter from the Editors

Letter from the Editors Hello, As many of you know, the first paper issue has been distributed across campus throughout the week. In this issue, there is quite a variety of material ready for you to read. You will be able to learn some interesting information concerning one of the collections the Holman Library archives. You will also be able to engage in commenting on articles, viewing trailers and voting on a poll featured in the "Online Dating" article. Please remember to click through the tabs on the webpage. The tabs will guide you to the articles you would like to read according to your interest. If you would like to know which articles are a part of the most recent issue, please click <McK Review Issues>, and then click on the date of the most recent publication (in this ins...

Hidden Treasures: The Dillard Collection

BY ANDREW OLDEN Staff Writer Taking a trip to the basement level of Holman Library is not in the general travels of most members of the McKendree community. A little known secret is that there are a variety of books housed in a Special Collections unit in one of the lowest floor's corners. One of these collections contains over 800 books which once belonged to Irving Dillard. This collection was given to McKendree to house in their Special Collections by his daughter Mary Sue. Dillard was a 30 year veteran of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch where he wrote over 10,000 editorials and served as an editor from 1949-1957. While observing Dillard’s collection, one can gather he was a history enthusiast. A majority of the collection is lined with American-themed books, and one in particular focuses ...

McKendree’s Scott Campus: Center at Scott

BY GRETCHEN BUEHRLE Contributing Writer Did you know that the Lebanon Campus is not the only facility McKendree uses to offer courses to Bearcat students? Other than the main campus, there are two other campuses, and over thirteen external sites; one of them being less than 15 minutes away. For the last 44 years, McKendree has been offering various business administration and computer science degrees to military members at the Center at Scott Air Force Base (SAFB). While the Center at SAFB may not offer as much as McKendree’s main campus, the campus would still be a great place to attend for military students. After McKendree started offering courses for the military, civilians who worked on base became interested, and the program opened up for adults who are or have been active duty and/o...

Alarums, Excursions and Politics in Thailand: Part 2

BY NATALIE VAN BOOVEN Co-Editor-in-Chief (Refer to Thailand Part 1 prior to reading) Before I describe the events that led up to the political crisis of 2005-06 (which marks the fourth period in Thailand’s recent history), I thought I would take a moment to describe the man at the center of the hullabaloo. Thaksin Shinawatra was born in San Kamphaeng, a province of Chiang Mai northwestern Thailand on July 26, 1949, to one of the area’s wealthiest families. His story ultimately begins with his paternal great-grandfather, Seng Sae Khu, who emigrated from China to Thailand in the 1860s and became wealthy through tax farming. Seng’s eldest son, Chiang Sae Khu, was born in 1890; he became wealthy through construction, finance, property development and silk making. Because of Thailand’s anti...

The Crisis in Ukraine and Crimea: Russia Interferes

BY EMILY LUCIA Assistant Editor For several months, The Ukraine has been in turmoil. Rioters and protesters, unhappy with the Ukrainian government, have plagued the streets of Ukraine: just after the Sochi Olympics came to a close in February, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin sent troops into the troubled country to stop the protesters. According to the Associated Press, “Troops under apparent Russian command have already deployed widely across the Ukraine’s southern province of Crimea, which is to hold a referendum Sunday [March 16] on seceding and merging with Russia. Ukraine has accused Russia of a military invasion, and the West is threatening Moscow with sanctions.” On March 15th, witnesses in the eastern side of the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine reported that “advanced Russian surf...

Absence Policies

BY BRITANI BEASLEY Staff Writer Throughout the school year, many McKendree University students worry about the university’s attendance policy. If you have been sick, if you do not feel like taking on this crazy wintermaggeddon weather, or even if you happen to be flat-out lazy, you have probably used up a few of your absences. According to the 2013-2014 Academic Catalogue, “Students voluntarily absenting themselves from class meetings assume responsibility for sanctions imposed by the instructor.” It goes on to say, “Unless otherwise stated, three hours of unapproved absences are the maximum allowable without academic penalty.” Betsy Gordon, PhD. has been teaching for 43 years—24 of them at McKendree—and she said she does not feel like she is wasting her time if students do not show up f...