Parenting in College? A Walk in the Park!
Mikayla Walton, Contributing Writer
Pictures from Mikayla Walton
Being a college student is rough. Being a parent is rough. But, juggling college course work and being a parent? It’s a walk in the park. Jurassic Park. For those that don’t know me, I am Mikayla Walton, and I am an English Literature and Writing major with a Creative Writing (and possibly Journalism) minor. I am also a mother to an autistic three-year-old boy named Jensen, and yes I am married. That may sound like a lot to take on, and yeah it is. There has not been a day where I haven’t seen another of my peers chugging coffee as if their lives depended on it so they could finish that last page of a paper they desperately need to finish. Hellish right? Well, try being that college student and then having a toddler shove th...