Monday, March 31

Still Need a Halloween Costume?

by Sophie Jeffery, Contributing Writer

Are you a procrastinator and/or a cheapskate?  Need a costume for a last-minute party invite?  You’ve come to the right place, my friend!  I took a trip to the Dollar General in town today and found pieces for lots of super easy costumes that will surely be a big hit.  Most costumes can be put together for less than $10 and require little to no effort, I promise.


First up, it’s everyone’s favorite culinary genius turned meme, Salt Bae.  This costume could not be any easier, and if you have a white scoop neck t-shirt, will cost you only $8.55.  Slick your hair back into a low pony, grab a fake mustache/soul patch if you want, and you are good to go.


Here is another costume that literally could not get any easier (especially for the ladies because all bearcats own at least one purple shirt, right?).  Grab that shirt (blue if you’re a dude), try your best to replicate the extreme side part, and pick a pose.  Even better, cycle through all the poses throughout the night!  Congrats, you’re an emoji.

Looking for a couple’s costume?  Wear all black, grab some bunny ears, and you’re Dancing Twins! Or, you dress in red and have your partner dress in blue and go as one of the emoji couples.


Next up is what my husband and I are going to do for Halloween this year:  Glow in the Dark Stick Figures!  This costume is the probably cheapest option, especially if you already own black clothing.  If not, Dollar General has thermal tops for $7, and a dark pair of jeans will work in a pinch!  Glowsticks are sold in packs of 3 or 5 for $1 at Dollar General. Simply use packing tape to attach glow-sticks to your clothes in the shape of a stick figure! Your stick figure can be as simple or elaborate as you would like; either way, the effect is great.


Another ridiculously easy costume is a Snapchat Filter! Dollar General has a decent selection of animal ears, a bumblebee with wings; and even a set of puppy ears and nose! They also have fake flowers, which, when combined with makeup, could easily make a Floral Crown Filter costume. The animal costumes were priced anywhere from $3-5, making this another pretty cheap option.

This costume is a blast from my childhood.  My sister and I complained so much when my mom suggested we dress up as bunches of grapes for Halloween one year, but we got so much candy, we did it again the following year! This is another inexpensive but time-consuming costume.  All you need is green or purple clothing (when my sister and I did this, we wore Hanes sweatpants and sweatshirts), and a ton of blown up balloons. Safety pin the balloons all over yourself (or better yet, have a friend help you), and be prepared to stand all night long.  It is easy but hilarious!


Who does not love Bob Ross? Dressing up like the king of calm is really easy thanks to these dad-jeans and this paint by number kit at Dollar General. To complete the look, head over to a Halloween store for a wig, but honestly, I think the costume would work without it too!  Just be sure to work in “happy little trees” as often as you can and people will get it.


I hope you have found some great ideas for a last-minute Halloween costume!  If not, there is always one costume that has stood the test of time…grab a white sheet and some scissors, and you’re all set!


Happy Halloween, McKendree!



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