Thursday, December 19


Stories from the classrooms of McKendree University.

Are These Criminals Insane!

Are These Criminals Insane!

By Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology studentsAre These Criminals Insane! | Popular Delusions ( Have you ever watched the court show Judge Judy, or perhaps CSI or Law and Order? These shows are inspired by real-life crimes, but they have a Hollywood twist to create an entertaining story. One commonality between reality court shows is the exaggerated use of the insanity defense. Humans are naturally more likely to remember the successful instances of using the insanity defense rather than the unsuccessful attempts. This has led to the American belief that a large proportion of criminals successfully use the insanity defense, although that is not the case. First, let’s make sure we all understand exactly what the insanity defense is.  In some cases, ...
Catalyst: Calling All Creatives!
Academics, Arts, Campus Events

Catalyst: Calling All Creatives!

By Catalyst Team Cover photo of Catalyst student editors (not pictured: Elizabeth Bocock) by Dr. Jenny Mueller. It’s that time of year again: the editors for Catalyst are looking for submissions!  Catalyst is McKendree University's student-run arts and literature magazine that gives students a chance to have their work seen by the public. Every spring a small group of student editors compile short stories, poetry, art, and creative nonfiction from students like you!  “The first version of the magazine appeared in print in 1991,” said Dr. Jenny Mueller, professor of English and faculty advisor to Catalyst. “It’s run continuously since then and has been a website since 2016.” The website format has allowed the editors to publish more student art than ever before. Scarlett ...
Mckendree’s 2023-2024 Lincoln Laureate: Bradley Eston

Mckendree’s 2023-2024 Lincoln Laureate: Bradley Eston

By Megan Melone, Writer Photography submitted by Brad Eston According to The Lincoln Academy of Illinois, “Student Laureates are honored for their leadership and service in the pursuit of the betterment of humanity and for overall excellence in curricular and extracurricular activities.” Every year, seniors from every college in Illinois are nominated by their college and are recipients of this prestigious award recognizing their excellence. McKendree’s 2023-2024 recipient is senior Brad Eston. Brad is a music education major from Quincy, Illinois. I interviewed Brad about becoming a Student Laureate of The Lincoln Academy of Illinois:   Have you always wanted to do music education? ESTON: I did not, actually. That was a conversation we had at this event. So, I originally...
The Wonders of Holman Library

The Wonders of Holman Library

By Isabella Brand, Writer Photography by Isabella Brand As a first-year student at McKendree, I love exploring the campus to see what different locations offer. Holman Library piqued my interest because it has so many resources for students. Students can check out a variety of items (not just books!).  The library offers GoPros, laptops, Chromebooks, calculators, DVDs, Blu-rays, board games, miscellaneous cords, and textbooks. Depending on the type of item checked out, due dates will vary. Make sure to pay attention to when the items are due so you don’t get fined! Taking advantage of textbooks, laptops, and DVDs by borrowing them from the library can save you some money. Calculators are an excellent loan, especially if you are taking a math class. Free books for the public to...
Welcome Dr. Wang, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Academics, Following the Faculty

Welcome Dr. Wang, Assistant Professor of Psychology

By: Kara Guetersloh, Guest Writer Title photo retrieved from McKendree employee directory McKendree University welcomes Dr. Hui Wang, the new Assistant Professor of Psychology. Dr. Wang is originally from China but moved to America in 2018. She got her doctorate at the University of Kansas. Before teaching at McKendree University, Dr. Wang majored in applied linguistics and taught English in China. She wanted to find new ways to motivate her students. This led her to the field of psychology. She said, “I wondered what I could do to motivate my student’s learning. I just wanted to keep studying about motivation and then started to study psychology.” Dr. Wang was attracted to McKendree University because of the campus life. Upon her initial visit to the university, the people st...
2023 Academic Excellence Celebration: 10 Years of Excellence
Academics, Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events

2023 Academic Excellence Celebration: 10 Years of Excellence

McKendree’s 10th annual Academic Excellence Celebration was held on Thursday, April 27th of 2023. Academic Excellence Celebration (AEC) is for students to present their scholarly and creative work to the McKendree community. No classes were held in honor of AEC, instead, students were expected to attend events. First, students presented their research in Holman Library. Next, there were student presentations that took place in Piper Academic Center (PAC). Following the presentations, many honors society inductions took place around campus. Lastly, on this day of excellence, there were musical performances for the community. Peyton Osgood presenting on The Phenomenon of Transitional Objects and College Students. Photo taken by Grace Gross. Poster presentations took place from 8:30 A....
McKendree Psychology Club
Academics, Campus Events, Entertainment

McKendree Psychology Club

By: Grace Gross, Editor in Chief Photography: taken and provided by Grace Gross Senior Breanna Sampo is the President of the Psychology Club. Breanna’s favorite part about Psychology Club is the connections she builds with her psychology peers and the opportunity to be herself.  When talking about what it is like being President of the Psychology Club, Breanna said she enjoys “being able to work alongside Dr. Hahn and brainstorm fun and creative ways to get students involved and engaged beyond the classroom.” Charlee Taylor, Secretary of the Psychology Club, shared similar thoughts: “I enjoy getting to learn more about psychology in a fun way and ways that interest me. Like through socials, movies, and game nights.” I, Grace, am the Social Media Manager for Psychology ...
Catalyst: We Want You!

Catalyst: We Want You!

By: The McKendree University Catalyst Members Photos provided by Dr. Mueller The editors of McKendree University’s literary and art magazine, Catalyst, are on the hunt for submissions from undergraduates. Catalyst is a student-run magazine that strives to give McKendree students a chance to express themselves artistically. Every spring, the editors of the magazine work to accept, compile, edit, and publish the best poetry, art, fiction and essays created by McKendree students attending the Lebanon campus. “Catalyst has given me the opportunity to publish my creative writing and poetry. It’s one of the only creative outlets on campus, and I think students should take full advantage of the opportunity to share their work,” Catalyst editor and contributing author Alivia Garcia said....
<strong>McKendree’s International Students’ Views on the Upcoming Midterm Elections</strong> 
Academics, National News

McKendree’s International Students’ Views on the Upcoming Midterm Elections 

By: Marissa Barauskas, Cale Koester & Kevin Schuele  Image retrieved from NBC News American Politics and the issues that arise in our country not only involve our nation, but other countries around the world. At McKendree University, many students come from many different countries and backgrounds and view different issues in different lights. Even though international students cannot vote in elections, their voices and opinions on the issues that our nation faces are important and can affect their home countries as well. We interviewed a few of McKendree’s international students to gather some insight into how they feel about the upcoming elections.  The first person we interviewed was Riko Nakanishi from Hiroshima, Japan. We asked her a few questions about how she...
Meet McKendree’s Student Academic Mentors

Meet McKendree’s Student Academic Mentors

By: Grace Gross, Editor in Chief This year at McKendree, a new position opened up in Residence Life and Student Success. Student Academic Mentors, or SAMs, are fellow McKendree students who are in each of the resident areas and have structured study and assistant time in the Active Learning Center (ALC). These fellow Bearcats are here to help you study, give academic resources, time management assistance and peer support.  Each SAM has designated hours throughout the week to help students with their academic work. The hours are as follows: Sunday 6-10 p.m. with Ryan Haynes Monday 6-10 p.m. with Breanna Sampo Tuesday 6-10 p.m. with Brooke Henry Thursday 6-10 p.m. with Sean Harper Let’s meet the student mentors! Ryan Haynes is a junior at McKendree. He majors i...