Monday, March 31



[Iss. 7] || Acquire Free Money through an App

BY MINDY ALLEN Assistant Editor Are you one of those people who clips coupons? Do you try to cut costs in every way possible? Did you ever think you could earn a few extra dollars by downloading an app on your Android phone or iPhone? Say hello to Perk! Perk is a rewards program, similar to My Coke Rewards. It rewards you based on the ads you watch on your iPhone or Android device. For every ad or task you complete, you earn points. These points can be used to earn gift cards to popular retailers, as well as restaurants, such as Target, Starbucks, Nike, Game Stop, Chili’s, Applebee’s and many more. For example, if you earn 5000 points, you can have a $5 dollar gift card sent to your home. Perk points can also be used for donations to various charities and entries into sweepstakes. I learn...

[Iss. 7] || Are Long Distance Relationships Worth it in the End?

BY TAQUISHA DRISDELL Staff Writer While approximately 14 to 15 million people in the United States considered themselves to be in a  long distance relationship, many people cringe at the idea of having a significant other miles away from them.  Not only are long distance relationships difficult to maintain, but they also tend to be destined for failure in the long run. But is this really true? When people think about long distance relationships, they often forget to consider military couples, where one or both partners may be stationed away from each other.  Sometimes, a partner may have to leave for extended periods of time due to job relocation.  However, one of the most common reasons people end up in long distance relationships is because of college. I searched the web for statistics...
Campus News, Opinion

[Iss. 7] || Encouraging McKendree Students to Consider Graduating Early

BY KIMBERLY BENNETT Editor-in-Chief  The last three and a half years of college at McKendree University have not been easy, but they were well worth it. When I started college as a freshman in fall 2011, I honestly had no idea what I was going to do. Because the importance of knocking down general education requirements was not explained nor specified very well, I ended up registering for classes I had wanted to take as opposed to classes I should have taken. My first semester of college was frustrating to no end. I remember feeling as though my time spent at McKendree was wasted – especially because I could not make up my mind as to what I wanted to do in life. I am sure other students have faced this frustration as well. To make up for my “wasted” semester, I took three classes at Southw...
Campus News, Opinion

[Iss. 7] || Life Lessons Learned while Traveling with the Team

BY JACOB SCHLOTE Staff Writer Do you ever wonder what it’s like to go on trips with college teams?  To get on a charter bus with everyone and sit for long periods before arriving at a hotel with little leisure time to spare?  Sports trips are generally lots of fun from my experience, but they have some disadvantages. Some people think athletes mess around, goof off and miss class. However, everything isn’t always what it seems.  While trips can be fun for athletes, the fact that we have to miss class sometimes hinders us if we are not prepared.  For instance, as a hockey player, I have considerable experience missing classes for hockey games away from Lebanon. Other students may have different experiences of their team traveling and have different opinions about missing classes. Andrew Fa...
Campus News, Entertainment, Opinion

[Iss. 5] || There May Be a Few Uninvited Visitors Within McKendree’s Walls

BY LAUREN APETZ Staff Writer Have you ever heard unexplained noises while you sleep? Do you feel as though you are being watched? If you have ever had any of these experiences at McKendree University, you may have witnessed one of the many spirits already residing on campus. In case you didn’t know, McKendree is ranked in the top ten haunted universities of Illinois. Sophomore Taylor Rossi had a run in with a spirit last year in Residence Hall East. “I was in my dorm, the new dorms I might add, and I swear, I heard a child laughing in my ear.”Rossi’s experience is not the only instance of hearing a child’s voice or feeling one’s presence in the new halls. Some students believe this spirit belongs to a little girl. Past Residence Director of Residence Halls East, Jen Stueck, shares her e...
Advice, Opinion

[Iss. 5]|| Help Fight Off STRESS!

BY KALEIGH ADMIRE Staff Writer Stress is something every college student goes through. If you have not been stressed yet this year, consider yourself lucky. As the middle of the semester approaches, papers, exams, presentations, reports and projects will all be assigned and due at lightning speed until the end of the semester. Here are a few healthy tips for managing your stress levels before you have a mental breakdown from thinking about all the things you have to complete before the semester is over: TRY NOT TO WORRY about things that are out of your control. Focus on the things you can. PREPARARATION AND PRACTICE is the way to go if you are worried about a presentation or an interview. The more prepared you feel, the less stressed you will be. MAKE CHANGE YOUR FRIEND! If a profes...
Advice, Opinion

[Iss. 5] || Where to Shop for the Fall: McKendree Style

BY ERICA POUR Contributing Writer We all love new clothes, but if you’re like me, you've already realized that trying to find the latest fashions for fall within the borders of Lebanon is a little tricky. While most girls at McKendree would openly list St. Clair Square for their “go-to” place when it comes to fall fashion, our beloved mall unfortunately offers very few student discounts. In fact, one of the only female clothing stores within St. Clair Square that offers a student discount is Charlotte Russe, a popular store among young women which gives a broad choice of unique and trendy fashions. When checking out at the register, show your student ID card for a 10% discount off your purchase. However, this does not include items on clearance. If you prefer a more professional look, T...
Entertainment, Opinion

[Iss. 5] || Sleepy Hollow: A Show You Cannot Miss

A Television Series Review BY KIMBERLY BENNETT Editor-in-Chief Last fall, Sleepy Hollow made its way to Fox and after three episodes, the show was renewed on Oct. 3, 2013 because the pilot, alone, appealed to a total of 10.1 million viewers. The first season premiere started on Sept. 16, 2013, and its finale ended last Jan. 20, 2014. Although the second season started Monday, Sept. 22, 2014, it is crucial to have a general picture of the first season in case there are people who have not seen the television series at all. First of all, Sleepy Hollow is based off of Washington Irving’s famous short story, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” but with a modern twist. In case you aren’t familiar with the short story, Irving’s story takes place in 1790 in Tarry Town (historical Tarrytown, New York) ...