Wednesday, March 26

Campus Events

Trick or Treat at the Stevenson House 2024
Campus Events

Trick or Treat at the Stevenson House 2024

Written by Madison Bonner Photography by Madison Bonner On Halloween night, McKendree hosted its annual trick-or-treat event. ResLife and SGA organized the event, though it was a little different from years past. This year, it opened up to a wider audience, allowing trick-or-treaters of all ages to attend, including not only McKendree students but also residents of Lebanon. It was also hosted outside the Stevenson House rather than on campus, which made it more accessible and visible to the town of Lebanon. Improv Club members Coleman Cummins and Dow White dressed as mimes and performed silent skits for passing trick-or-treaters. (Photo credit: Megan Melone) Melissa McHenry provided a booth for McKendree’s Health & Counseling Services, giving away candy, water and glo...
McKendree Theatre to Perform Night of the Living Dead
Campus Events, Campus News, Entertainment

McKendree Theatre to Perform Night of the Living Dead

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Photography by Michelle Magnussen The undead will roam the Hett stage this weekend! McKendree Theatre is performing Night of the Living Dead Live! as their fall play, which will debut this Friday the 25th at 7:30 pm. The play follows six strangers as they try to survive the night in an abandoned farmhouse surrounded by hordes of flesh-eating zombies. The play is a comedic adaptation of the 1968 film Night of the Living Dead. The film, directed by George Romero, was one of the first zombie movies and was met with controversy at the time of its release for its realistic horror images, bleak ending and for having a Black protagonist. But since then, the film has become a horror classic and has greatly influenced the zombie genre. The play adaptation a...
Young Feminist Club Participates in Period Project
Campus Events

Young Feminist Club Participates in Period Project

By: Grace Gross, Lead Editor Photography by Grace Gross In a dozen campus restrooms, you can find evidence of McKendree Young Feminists’ newest project. McKendree Young Feminists is a student-run organization that was reactivated in the spring of 2024. Dr. Brenda Boudreau and Dr. Shelly Lemons oversee the student organization as its faculty advisors. Karina Modesto is president this semester, while I, Grace Gross, serve as vice president. Since restarting the McKendree Young Feminists, we have had three main goals in mind.  The first goal is to educate the student population about feminism. To some people, the word often carries a negative connotation, such as when the media use it. One way we educated students and faculty about feminism was at our table at the fall involvem...
William Davis Shares Business Advice with Students
Advice, Campus Events, Campus News

William Davis Shares Business Advice with Students

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Cover photo from McKendree University Marketing and Communications Last Thursday, students received life and business advice from William Davis, the Illinois Region President for Deaconess Illinois and Chief Administrative Officer of Crossroads Community Hospital in Mt. Vernon and Heartland Regional Medical Center in Marion.  Davis oversees multiple hospital facilities in Illinois and is known for his thoughtfulness, giving back to the community and leadership skills. He was nationally recognized as a “Rural Hospital CEO to Know” and “Black Healthcare Leader to Know” by Becker’s Hospital Review. Davis received his Master of Business Administration degree from McKendree, and he returned to his alma mater as a part of the Lanter Lecture Series. ...
Animals Calm Students Before Finals
Campus Events, Photos

Animals Calm Students Before Finals

By Madison Bonner, Writer Photography from McKendree students, faculty, and social media On Thursday, May 2nd, therapy dogs greeted students on campus from 11:00 to 1:30. This event was organized by a group of students in Dr. Sara Frank’s Health Communication class. Students Aspen Duggar, Karin Tebelius, Elana Melzer, Elizabeth Collins, Hanna Parisio, and Felicity Crowell created the event as a part of their group project to create a campaign for McKendree’s Counseling Services. The students were in charge of advertising and obtaining permission for the dogs to be on campus. At the event, they passed out fliers for Counseling Services. Melissa McHenry, the assistant director at McKendree’s Counseling Services, helped the group contact and book the therapy dogs. The event was e...
Delight’s First Year at McKendree
Campus Events, Campus News

Delight’s First Year at McKendree

By Madison Bonner, Writer Photos by Madison Bonner and Delight Ministries On February 1st, a student organization called Delight Ministries held its second-semester kick-off in the New Res Fireplace Lounge. This event began with a video that welcomed new and old members and presented Delight’s mission and the theme for the spring semester. After the video, McKendree’s Delight leadership team introduced themselves and started the first activity of the evening: affirmation cards. Each girl received a Sharpie and a notecard, which was taped to her back. Other girls then filled these cards with messages to lift one another, creating a positive environment and setting the tone for the semester. Girls also made friendship bracelets, painted tote bags, and took photos together. During t...
2024 Academic Excellence Celebration
Academics, Campus Events

2024 Academic Excellence Celebration

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Photography from AEC’s Instagram and McKendree’s Online Photo Albums Last Thursday was McKendree’s eleventh annual Academic Excellence Celebration (AEC), a day for students to celebrate their hard work and show off their achievements. With classes canceled for the day, students were encouraged to watch their peers who were involved in presentations, performances, and honor society inductions. Students used their posters to inform visitors about important topics they researched. Photo from McKendree’s Online Photo Albums. The day began with the poster session. All around Holman Library, students stood by poster boards displaying highlights from their research or projects. Those walking through the library that morning could see posters representing ...
McKendree Celebrates Diversity
Campus Events

McKendree Celebrates Diversity

By: Grace Gross, Lead Editor Photography by Grace Gross, Marketing and Communications, & Student Government Association On Tuesday, April 16th, the Office of Residence Life hosted the annual Diversity Carnival in the quad. At the same time, McKendree Student Government Association hosted their biannual International Meal Day. It was a very eventful day, full of learning about diversity and culture and having fun!  Students were able to meet other students in a fun and creative way! Photo taken by Grace Gross. Photo taken by Marketing and Communications. Spectrum Alliance hosted a table that taught us about the “Genderbread Person.” Photo provided by Spectrum Alliance. McKendree Review Photographer, Phoebe runs the Genderbread Person table! Photo taken by Grace Gross....
Solar Eclipse Shines Over McKendree
Campus Events, Campus News, Photos

Solar Eclipse Shines Over McKendree

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Photography by Phoebe McCutcheon, Madison Rohn, and Mia Wylie On the afternoon of Monday, April 8th, students gazed through glasses at the sky to watch the Great American Eclipse pass over McKendree. Even the Bearcat statue wore protective glasses to watch the eclipse! Photo by Madison Rohn. This year’s eclipse was a total solar eclipse, in which the moon travels between the sun and the Earth, covering our view of the sun. McKendree’s campus was in an area of 99.7% totality, meaning that almost all of the sun was covered during the peak of the eclipse, which occurred around 2:00 P.M. (Padilla & Zaiets, 2024). The next solar eclipse in the U.S. isn’t until 2044, so this phenomenon was worth celebrating (Padilla & Zaiets, 2024). Celebratin...
Literary Interest Society Sees Shakespeare in Chicago
Arts, Campus Events, Campus News, Entertainment

Literary Interest Society Sees Shakespeare in Chicago

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Photography from Dr. DeWall Cover photo: LIS members at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater Over spring break, members of McKendree’s Literary Interest Society visited Chicago for their annual Shakespeare trip.  Literary Interest Society (LIS) is McKendree’s club for book-lovers. Co-President Scarlett Catanzaro described LIS by saying, “I would say the purpose of LIS is to share a common love and passion for literature among students of various backgrounds and fields. LIS offers book lovers the opportunity to read, discuss, and share novels outside of an academic setting, and gives members the chance to make new friends.” One way in which LIS bonds its members is through their annual Shakespeare trip to Chicago. Each spring, English professor and fa...