Saturday, February 22


Meet Professor Guida!
Academics, Campus News

Meet Professor Guida!

By: Chloe Gamber, Head Academic Writer For this week, Professor Guida shared some insight about her time as a professor at McKendree. When asked about what she enjoys the most about teaching she said, “I love that I’m able to meet such a diverse group of students each semester. I remember one staff member used to have a map in her office that she would have students she worked with pin their hometowns on. It was such a great visual reminder that we work with students from all over—rural areas, major cities, various countries. For me, that has really pushed me as a teacher in the best way possible. How do I teach a short story, or cover letter writing or the argumentative essay to a group of students from all walks of life?” She continues, “I also love the community at McKendree. Whe...
Come and Join the Fun!
Campus News, Local News, News

Come and Join the Fun!

By: Marisa Ortega, Editor As a student of McKendree University most of us are involved in sports but always looking for something else to join. One group that you can become a part of is becoming a member of a Fraternity or a Sorority on campus. I had the opportunity to speak to members of a fraternity and sorority on campus to learn more about their community and what really goes on within them. When reaching out to fraternities I was given the chance to speak to Alpha Eta chapter(ADG) junior member Dylan Powell. ADG is a national fraternity on McKendree’s campus and has been active since August 2012. Currently there are 11 active chapters throughout the country at a variety of universities and colleges, including ADG’s sibling chapter Beta at St. Louis University just over the river....
Spectrum Alliance Presents: Drag Show
Campus Events, Campus News, Local News, News

Spectrum Alliance Presents: Drag Show

By Grace Gross, Head Culture Editor Photos taken and collect by Grace Gross McKendree University Spectrum Alliance sponsored a drag show at the Hett on Friday, April 8th. This event was open to students, faculty and the general public. There was a very good turnout! Ella Lehman, president of Spectrum Alliance, stated that 130 people attended the drag show.  Ella reached out to Roxxy Malone, the main host of the drag show, a few months ahead of time. “Roxxy put together the rest of the performers from her drag family and they all brought their own music and such, so that part was probably easiest.”  Ella mentioned how the reservation process for the Hett was a bit complicated. “It went smoothly thanks to Liz Crabtree and Julia Hunt.” One of the most difficult parts of...
Always Know The Right Tools
Academics, Local News

Always Know The Right Tools

By: Marisa Ortega, Editor This past Tuesday, April 5 McKendree University’s Career Services hosted a Dining/Professional Etiquette Seminar for students to learn about what could happen in a business dining atmosphere.  The description provided by Career Services to inform students of this event stated, “Enjoy a multi-course meal while you learn about proper dining and professional etiquette, explore what business casual means and have the opportunity to participate in a networking exercise”.  Photos provided by Jennifer Pickerell This took place within the Hett and all students were told to dress in business casual clothing to create the business dining atmosphere. Once they arrived, students interacted with others to create a safe, open business atmosphere before s...
McKendree on the ‘Gram
Campus News

McKendree on the ‘Gram

By Nat Wilk, Editor in Chief Pictures taken/collected by Nat Wilk McKendree University takes many forms on social media across various platforms, but there are some accounts you might be missing out on. Today, I will be highlighting a few accounts on Instagram that you should be following to keep up to date with McKendree-related news. There’s no excuse now, reader - links are included to each of the pages!  If you’re the type to ignore emails (I know it is not just students who do this) or get overwhelmed by your inbox, consider following these pages to get your information from a different platform.  The following list includes some McKendree Instagram pages that will help keep you informed on the what’s what with McKendree: McK Campus Activities Board: @mck...
Please… Use Protection!
Advice, Campus News

Please… Use Protection!

By Victoria Sananikone, Editor in Chief Photo by Victoria Sananikone How would one begin the complete idiot’s guide to avoiding a pregnancy scare? The answer is simple: wear a condom. Not only are your chances of getting pregnant reduced drastically, you are also protecting yourself from STIs and HIV. Now, what would be the easiest, painless, selfless, most ethical way to avoid contracting COVID-19 or having a Covid scare? The answer is simple: Wear. A. Freaking. Mask. You will have a much lower chance of catching the virus, you’re containing your germs, and you are simply showing respect to those you will come into contact with, whether you are speaking to them directly or passing them on the sidewalk. You thought this article was going to be about sex, huh? Well, sorry to disappoi...
This Is Not The End
Community Events, News, Opinion

This Is Not The End

By Emma Martin-Hilker, contributing writer Photos by ExpectUS I am going to state now that I am a white woman. I will never understand the fear of walking on the streets, or the terror that strikes the hearts of black individuals when they see flashing red and blue lights. I will not understand their feelings, nor will I be able to capture their view. Let me say -- I’m not trying to. I’m sharing what I saw, and what I believe. I refuse to remain silent -- and I’m hoping by sharing my point of view, it will encourage some of you to do the same, especially those of you who are people of color and reading this. The world needs to hear your stories because you matter. Your words and your feelings matter, and no white person (no, not even me) will be able to capture how you feel about ev...
Thoughts from Nickie and Anthony
News, Opinion, Perspective

Thoughts from Nickie and Anthony

By Nicolette Sanlin and Anthony Francis Photos by Nicolette and Anthony As I sit at home looking for the “right” way to begin, I’ve come to the realization that there is no “right” way. It feels right to be uncomfortable regarding my past, present, and future conversations. It feels right to lean into my discomfort when educating myself and the young lives I impact. It feels right to use the medium of sport to be the stimulus for social change. Sadness and hurt have been reoccurring emotions knowing that, as a country, we have not done enough to create REAL change, to take a stand against systematic racism.  Without a meaningful plan of action from our communities, arbitrary blanket statements serve as an empty attempt to pacify the masses. There have been times I have...
No Justice, No Peace
News, Perspective

No Justice, No Peace

By Abigail Rumpp, contributing writer Photos by Abigail Rump “I’m really nervous.” My best friend Sam’s words rattled around in my brain as we walked through downtown Knoxville, making our way to the gathering protest in Market Square. The city was quiet – a few people ambled around the streets, but there were hardly any cars, noises, or sounds besides some gusts of wind. To be completely honest, I was pretty nervous too. Headlines from the past week kept buzzing in my mind, recounting violence, anger, and police brutality in neighboring states and cities. Tennessee has never had the best track record with progressive ideas, and being a red conservative state in the south doesn’t help either. Even so, I wanted to be part of the national change that was occurring. I have a voice, ...
An Academic Excellence Day That Connects The World
Campus Events, Campus News

An Academic Excellence Day That Connects The World

Magdalena Knapp, Editor in Chief Pictures: Many things have changed over the past few weeks because of the Coronavirus. It has changed the way we used to live, the way students go to school, and the way we interact with other people in our daily life. One thing has not changed: McKendree University's commitment to their students. This year, more than ever, it is important to celebrate the students' accomplishments. Despite the sudden changes, McKendree University will be hosting its annual Academic Excellence Celebration Day, just in a slightly modified way. McKendree University will hold a virtual electronic Academic Excellence Celebration on Thursday, April 23, 2020 and it will be called the "eAEC." Students and faculty members have worked together to create an online web...