Monday, March 24


Listen to stories from McKendree Radio

McK Radio’s Guide to Podcasting Projects
Academics, Podcasts

McK Radio’s Guide to Podcasting Projects

By Elana Melzer, Head Producer Has your professor assigned a podcasting project? Have no fear, McK Radio is here! McK Radio is located in Carnegie 110, and we are your source for all things podcasting at McKendree! The McK Radio podcasting studio is home to state-of-the-art microphones from Heil Sound, along with a soundboard and computer programmed with Audacity. Using the equipment may seem overwhelming at first, but we are here to help you learn more about the process of podcasting.   Here are 5 tips to make your podcast the best one yet! 1.Write a script. Get all your ideas out before podcasting by writing a script. Write out your ideas in a way that makes sense and flows well. The script does not need to be word-for-word, but make sure you have the key points written o...
Fall 2023 McK Radio Wrapped!

Fall 2023 McK Radio Wrapped!

By Elana Melzer, Head Producer This semester, the McK Radio reached new heights! Two new series were started, and more Bearcats tuned in to listen.  The first episode of McK U Know was published on September 28th. This series, run by Kira Johnson and Rhian Dobinson, is all about getting to know what is going on with sports and clubs at McKendree. In fact, the third episode on women’s soccer was the McK Radio’s top podcast, according to Spotify Wrapped for Podcasters! Go and give this episode a listen! And “McK U Know episode 1 Bowling” was the top episode of the semester on SoundCloud.
Love Mckendree Content? Mckendree Radio Records New Podcasts!

Love Mckendree Content? Mckendree Radio Records New Podcasts!

By: Megan Melone, Writer Photography By Elana Melzer, Head Podcast Producer Podcast lovers know there are a lot of options when it comes to the type of content you listen to. Maybe you’re into documentaries or conversational podcasts. If you’re like me, then you love to listen to macabre true-crime podcasts. The Mckendree Radio is busy recording content with a little something for everyone. I sat down with Mckendree Radio’s head producer, Elana Melzer, a communication major from O'Fallon, Illinois, to find out more about McKendree Radio’s upcoming and current projects: Elana Melzer, Head Producer, Mckendree Radio What upcoming projects is the Radio working on? MELZER: So for my podcast, I do The Spooky History of Mckendree, and I am going into the Holman Library archives t...
Spring Cleaning for the McKendree Radio!

Spring Cleaning for the McKendree Radio!

By: Elena Melzer, Podcaster If you’ve been wondering where the hosts of the McKendree Radio have been, you will find them buried beneath the rubble in the McK Radio room. Just kidding; they are all fine, but one host has taken charge of the cleaning duty. I, Elana, the host of “The Spooky History of McKendree,” have been clearing through the history of what the McKendree Radio room used to be. The spare room connected to the Radio room has been filled with cardboard boxes, used poster boards, craft supplies, random T-shirts, someone’s mail, health books, and much more for possibly a decade. Mid-February I began the clean-up process but quickly became distracted by the random items I found. The McKendree Radio room used to be home to the Health Office, but they left unnecessary i...